Consistent training.....if you do the work, if you show up consistently, your body has to conform. Your body has to improve, or at the very least change, in a positive way.....if you do the work, it has to. Greater strength, greater balance, endurance, flexiblity, mobility....do the work....the body will follow.
I'm lucky for alot of things in life. First is my natural talent for body awareness, and maybe this sickness I have called perfectionism. Another the reason why I'm such a lucky ass, is I happen to have met, and married, a former competitive athlete, and genius coach, who has always supported "form" before intensity, before anything else...technique and form has to come first. If that's not solid then nothing else happens....nothing good that is.....
I was able to video record 1 hour of my Bikrams "standing and balancing series" of poses a couple of days ago, and good Lord I've got some work ahead of me....how exciting!
Since I practice every other day, tomorow, Friday, I have my usual two back to back Bikram classes on my workout schedule, and let me tell you....many days, as my second class begins, I ask myself, "What the hell have you gotten yourself into?" I remind myself that's it's only "3 hours of training" and, what the heck.....right? It's only time....the worst thing that can happen is I lie down and freakin' rest...
Now that I teach kettlebells at Balance Yoga Center, http://balanceyogacenteronline.com/, before, and between my scheduled yoga practices, it's going to get interesting......
But, I'm looking forward tomorrows practice, now knowing what it is I need to work on, based on reviewing my training video. The first and probably most important thing is to practice "lightening up".....good Lord woman, give it a rest....the intensity that is.
Remember, just breathe:
Remember, just breathe:
Your bow pose is beautiful. I'm excited to know that you're writing a book and doing a DVD. I really wish I lived closer so I could come to your kettlebell classes. Nobody around here even knows what they are (that's small town Ohio for you).
I always recognize your Lululemon gear. I'm a Lulu addict too.
what an amazing photo.especially when it sits side by side with your earlier one, which was amazing in it's own right, at the time.
your practice, your strength of body and mind and your physique have improved so much over the years. You should be so proud, as am I :))
I have always said to be a pro, first you must live like one- which you do and have been doing. And the results are obvious.
"Standing Bow Pose" is one of those "sexy" yoga poses that everyone wants to do well....it's the equivilant of the kettlebell snatch, lol! I'd be lying if I said I didn't like practicing it, but as I stated at the end of this blogpost I need to lighten up on the seriousness of it all....my double practice today was disappointing, but Monday will come around fast and I'll get another chance....
Like Mark always says, no matter what happens in the gym (the workout), you still have to show up the next day and train!
Ironically my kettlebell classes are drawing a ton of attention at my yoga studio....it may be the place where my teaching finally can take off.
As far as my Lululemon obsession....my local store outfitted me for free....pants, top, and jacket, to wear during the filming of our DVD this Sunday! Lululemon has spilled over to my street clothes, and I have to try and wear at least on "non-Lulu" item of clothing daily....
Sweetie...my biggest fan....and I yours.....
everyone should be married to their biggest fan...lucky us!
Lucky us :))
Hey tracy. I really enjoy reading your blog posts. you're such an inspiration - such commitment and passion. glad to hear that your classes are taking off over there at the studio. see you soon!
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