Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday's last week off from Max w/16kg

Real quick.... Max Vo2 "based" workout 15/15 work/rest. Heavy 2 hand swings and double snatches in groups of 5 sets per., alternating for a total of 30 minutes.

Warm up (sets 1-10)

8 double snatches w/two 8kg's x 5 sets
10 2 hand swings, hardstyle, w/12kg x 5 sets

Work sets (sets 10-60)

5 dbl snatches w/two 12kg's x 5 sets
10 2 hnd sw, hardstyle, w/16kg x 5 sets
5 dbl snatches w/two 12kg's x 5 sets
10 2 hnd sw, hardstyle, w/16kg x 5 sets
5 dbl snatches w/two 12kg's x 5 sets
10 2 hnd sw, hardstyle, w/16kg x 5 sets
5 dbl snatches w/two 12kg's x 5 sets
10 2 hnd sw, hardstyle, w/16kg x 5 sets , repeat
10 2 hnd sw, hardstyle, w/16kg x 5 sets

Good Lord, this was t-t-t-t-tough! What's harder than timed interval sets of double snatches w/12kg's, and hardstyle 2 hand swings w/16kg? Try it and let me know, lol! (yep Diana, I dare you.....) I was seriously sucking wind during the double snatch rep intervals (Mark describes it as a "moderate" sucking of wind, was great! It reminded me if the first few times I trained Max Vo2, years ago!

I did a fraction of the number of snatches I regualry do.....the equivilent of 20, 16kg snatches, and only 100, 24kg santches! Compare that to last weeks workout of over 800 snatches...and I continued to do many multiple sets of snatches in my next class that same morning! In addition to my Monday santch workout too!


Diana said...

You suck, you suck, you suck. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.
Like I have "nothing" better to do than play this "dare" crap game??????

OK......I'll let you know how I do Bitch!
PS/I hate you!

Tracy Reifkind said...


The feelings are

anyway, Meg did the same basic workout but stayed with the dbl 8kg's for sets of 7 (or 8, I'll have to ask), after trying one set with the dbl 12kg's. She has been doing a tremendous amount of KB training lately and just needed a little less this week.

Diana said...

And now it's done!
I loved this.........even more than I hated it!!

Tracy Reifkind said...

I'm going to start charging you my PT