I'm not sure how long it takes, but having boiling water in a matter of minutes is pure genius. Especially now that it's winter time. Having boiling water at the ready makes drinking more tea (green and herbal) much easier to make, therefore to drink. But even if you are not a tea drinker, simple hot water with lemon is great alternative and has many benefits from easing constipation to helping your body NOT deposit sugar calories as fat (more about that in Tim Ferriss's 4 Hour Body, page 144!). The other thing I'm totally digging my electric tea kettle for is instant oats!
A couple of weeks ago I forgot my packed lunch on my kitchen counter and went to work all day long without any food. Argh! I ended up at Peet's Coffee for an instant oatmeal that cost me almost $3 bucks. It was awesome...except the $3 bucks part! Since then I've put together my own "emergency" instant oatmeal portions that I keep in the trunk of my car, just in case. An electric tea kettle at home and at work, they are cheap enough and will easily pay for themselves.
I also have to admit that after my recent international travels I've taken a liking to instant coffee! Now that I'm at home I don't really have a need for it, but on some days when I need another half cup or so, it's nice to not have to set up the coffee maker!
I'm sure there are many other uses for instant hot water, any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Food journal for Monday. Settling into around 1600-1700 calories. One of my main focuses is to not "snack" away calories. More about that to come.
Oh, and I should make mention about my "misc" calories. At the end of each day I remember back to all the "tastes", nibbles and bites I took during the day and simply list them as "misc.". No need to get super critical, unless you find yourself not being honest.
Great idea! I have a tea kettle on my stove, but recently started "cheating" with my Keurig...setting it for tea, but adding my favorite tea/bag to my mug and letting my Keurig do the hot water part. :-)
Love my electric tea kettle. We make French Press Coffee in the morning so it definitely works great in that regard. Then I switch to tea in the afternoon. Once in a while I'll use it for oatmeal and also when I need boiling water for a recipe. I love that it has automatic shutoff because I tend to forget about things when I get going on something else. :)
Calorie counting has been going well. I'm feeling better overall and more in control. I think one thing I finally am realizing is that I was allowing myself to be chased by calories, trying to outrun them - and instead I should have been in control.
I can totally see how convenient that is, which is why an electric tea kettle will be your new best friend!
Those Keurig's are expensive, aren't they?
The only thing I don't like about french press is that I have to get up and out of bed first in order to get my coffee, and after I pour a cup the rest gets cold.
Hmn...chased by calories? What do you mean?
Chased by calories - meaning I would eat and then workout like crazy to burn off the food. I'm not sure I am wording it properly perhaps?
In my experience the calories always win! Which is why journalling is so important :)
That's what I'm realizing more now. Journaling food always scared the crap out of me. Now, not so much. :)
I started journaling...sucks ass to face the truth.
Tracy M.
I completely understand the "chased by calories" comment...must be a WI thing! LOL...
Have food journaled for 4 days and pulled out my food scale to put back into use. I totally get the "chased by calories!" I am trying not to think about or count my exercise calories, just focus on the food. (because then I go, well I exercised I can have another cookie, or two...) Right now, my goal is simply writing it down. Everything is still highish but I want to create the habit first and then work on bringing the number down.
Did the 40 minute uncut sinister swing this morning. My 2014 goal is to get the snatch. Not yet but soon I think...
Oh! And I am a long time electric kettle user. Love it. Green Tea is my go to drink.
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