I say "wanting to become" because I have so much respect for the athletes that have put in the time and commitment to their sport, and sacrifice, yep sacrifice, that I'm not sure how to include myself in the group. My wanting to be might not have caught up with my belief that I am yet.
Being a competitive lifter and coach for from 1990-2003 Mark has always emphasized the difference between what you might be able to do in gym practice not being the same, not even close, to what you do on "game day".
This morning I had no stress. No time table. I didn't have to travel, or change any part of my normal routine. In fact I didn't even have to do the set if I didn't want to! I didn't have to weigh in, I didn't have to wait, plan my food, change my clothes, worry about judges. Nothing was riding on what I could or couldn't do. Oh, and I didn't have a 10 minute jerk set beforehand either! That's kind of important too!
Competition doesn't wait, it demands.
Tuesday Training
after a quick warm up
200 12kg snatch reps, 100 R/100 L one hand switch.
swings (600-700 reps)
warm up squat, press, snatch
10 goblet squats
10 clean/push press R
and L
10 snatch R
and L
x 3 rounds
7:00-7:45 private session
Get Ups
30 total, 15/R, 15/L
10 R/L arm casts
10 R/L shield casts
Bikrams Yoga 9:15am
swings w/14kg
10 2 hd sw x 4
10 tr x 4
10 tr + 10 2 hd sw x 2 (30/30, 30/15)
5/5 x 4
5/5 + 10 tr + 10 2 hd sw x 3 (45/45, 45/30, 45/15)
10 2 hd sw x 4
10 2 hd sw + 5/5 + 10 tr + 10 2 hd sw (1/1, 1/45, 1/30, 1/15)
1 min sets w/16kg w/30 sec rest x 6 (9 min)
29 min total, 690 swing reps
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