Today Mark and I have been married 24 years. About 3 years ago I started sending Mark a daily morning "love note" (via email). Today my love note said, "....24 years is a beautiful start to forever". I will forever be his and he will forever be mine.
I'll love and be with you forever my love :)) You are my gift.
Happy Anniversary :)
Congrats, Tracy and Mark!
Aw! Congratulations you two. You both give a new meaning to "Power Couple".
Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations! Wow, 24 years! That's like Congressional Medal of Honor time! A real accomplishment these days. Many happy returns!
Congratulations to both of you :)
As the saying goes: 24 is a pretty big number, even when cookies are concerned :)
I wish you guys all the happiness in the world.
Thank you everybody...and Judit...you had to mention cookies!
Yay! You crazy kids! Crazy in love! Congratulations.
Can't wait to celebrate with you guys when you get here!
Congrats to you both! That is a wonderful PR in its own right. :)
Hi Tracy,
You don't know me but I've been following your posts as I've been discovering working out with kettle bells at age 48, so you've been a source of inspiration for me! Just wanted to comment that my husband and I also celebrated our 24th anniversary on Nov. 28th : ) Because he doesn't workout with kettle bells, and I don't mountain-bike, we took a Vinyasa hot yoga class together followed by an awesome breakfast out. Might have been our healthiest, most active anniversary celebration ever! Anyway, may you at the very least double your happy years together, and I'm looking forward to reading your book in March!
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