Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bringing the dead back to life

I'm talking about veggies! So often people buy fresh veggies only to heve them go bad in the fridge by not getting to them quick enough. This doesn't happen to me very often, but when I buy too much sometimes I can't get to all of it in a timely matter.

You can bring wilted greens back to life and other veggies like celery, carrot, broccoli, to name a few, just by giving them a big drink of water! Just like the plants that they are, they need water! I cut the bottom of the stem off (like you would a flower) and soak them in a big bowl of water. In the case of celery, carrots and broccoli I'll put them upright in a glass of even a vase, put them back in the fridge and a couple of hours later they are in ful bloom again!

(picture below) Now that's more like it! This is the same bunch of red chard as the picture above.

Even if I'm going to cook the veggies, therefore killing them, I'll still take bring them back to life first. But when you know a veggie is too far gone then throw it out. You deserve better than using dead veggies, even in your soup!


Maribel said...

I do this all the time with carrots. For some reason I always buy way more carrots than I need. Great tip.

Tracy Reifkind said...


Since I make all of my own stocks (I just finished some turkey this morning from the bones of last week's roasted bird), I'll throw all of my "too old", or "I'm too lazy to bring back to life" veggies in the freezer. I call my freezer the "scrap yard" for stock ingredients!