I had a blast this past Sunday at the first ever San Francisco HKC! An exhausting blast, bu

t a blast nonetheless! Before I get into the details of the work and training, let me mention that this past weekend was also the same weekend of the Folsom St Fair....if you need to know what it's about then "google" it....here's a hint....kinky, fetish, freaky public display of all the fun and games San Francisco has to offer...on steriods! An interesting backdrop.....
Patrick Jerrnigan (RKC 2, Brazillian Jiu Jitsu practioner), hosted the Certification at Gracie Jiu Jitsu Studio on Howard St (1 block from Folsom), and we had a nice little group of, mostly, fitness professionals. I think most came with what they thought was a knowledge of how to train with kettlebells, but left with a new, and most certainly, deeper understanding of what it requires to be HKC, and RKC Certified.

I got the chance to take the candidates through one of my newly designed workouts, based on the drills used to teach the KB Swing (soon to be featured in a beginners DVD!), and another swing workout that teaches the Roundabout. No Goblet Squat Torture Chamber workout, but maybe next time!
A few little measley swing workouts is nothing compared to the 8 hours of teaching and coaching Mark put in. Using his expert eye he also was responsible for judging the technique

demonstrated by each candidate in all 3 of the HKC skills....AND....the hardest part of all......judging whether or not they are qualified to teach the progressions that were just taught to them?
Here's a huge hint to all future HKC and RKC candidates who want to earn their Certification.....
All in all, I love what we do.....seriously! Tempe HKC in about 4 weeks time! I can't wait! Keats Snideman is hosting, and Mark and I have been there before so we are familiar with his gym (Reality-Based Fitness, Tempe AZ). Keats and his wife Tammy were generous enough to invite us to stay in their home....no freaky street fairs in AZ, but I'm expecting some good weather and, same as last time, good company!
PS the small picture at the top of the post was taken of a man, in a leather g-string, ass hanging out, across the street from the Studio....that was mild in comparision to all of the really cool crazinees of SF....next year? Be there, or be square! I can't wait to go back.....
What is the logo on your t-shirt? I am always looking for cool kettlebell shirts.
Also, what are your tattoo of? I have a few and love the work and color that you seem to have.
It's a shirt I bought at the Hungary RKC "Strength is a Skill" I had more people that day wanting that shirt than anything I've ever worn before!
My Tattoos are kinda random, but have meaning to me. The crown at the top of my shoudler represents my son Richard, Richard means "King". The snake that wraps over my shoulder represents my son Gabriel, born in the year of the snake. I've got a swallow with yellow roses in the center of my upper back with Mark's name. And the one that represents me is my butterfly on my outer foream....butterflies symbolize transformation!
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