It's Sunday morning and I actually feel good enough to consider practicing yoga today even though it's supposed to be a day off...ok, I'll take the day off from yoga (see how easy that was to talk myself out of it!) I should at least take a nice long walk, and I will probably do that, but should I stop by my neighborhood farmers market too?
I don't need anything in fact I have plenty of foods that still need some attention... It's just that I love shopping so much! Food shopping especially. I go to the market at least 5-6 days a week, and lots of times I talk myself out of even more small trips for things I could live without.

For instance my neighborhood Farmers' Market has duck and pheasant eggs. Do I need them? Not really. They have great strawberries. Well, I know I don't need 4 lbs, but can I live the week without any? Probably. There are great prices on all kinds of fresh produce but do I need more
today? Ok, so I'll make this deal with myself....I'll clean out my fridge, take inventory, and if I do in fact actually need some things I'll go! Better get started!
But on a more serious note....
We all buy way too much food! It's a subject I want to write more about, but first the fridge!
I bought way too much veg last time, to make mirpoir, alot went bad. I use forever bags and containers, they do make veg last longer. After I read "The Swing" I either chucked out or gave away alot of stuff in our pantry or fridge (anything ending in roni had to go.
I also have 3 friends who keep veg gardens, and I get green beans, tomatoes, and sometimes watermelon for free. Like you've said a bunch a times BossLady, lifes good :)
I also tend to buy too much fresh food, and it's something that I really struggle with. Because I'm often on my own, I find that I just can eat through everything quickly enough before I have to throw them out. Not everything freezes well. As it's winter here now, I can probably try making soup of some of the fresh stuff and then freeze that. I hate having to throw food away (another remnant of that growing up poor thing), so I try to be extra careful, which often means buying smaller portions, even if they are more expensive than the bigger ones. Oh well, what you lose on the swings, you make up on the roundabouts. :)
It's rare that I buy too much veg because I can always find a way to use it....until I started getting my CSA box. I never buy lettuce! Or if I do it's a baby lettuce blend, but that's rare too as most of my salads are cabbage based. CSA will give me 2 lg heads of some kind of lettuce and every week it goes in the garbage.
Lucky you to get fresh green beans! nothing like picking and eating them right off the vine. You can't get them that fresh anywhere but directly from a garden!
Most of what I buy that goes to waste is not "ingredients", it's meals like soups and stews or roasted meats because I cook too much! But I have gotten much better about paying for smaller size products and resist "stocking up".
Dump your lettuce with me! We love evening salads. We have the same problem of wasting food. I need to break from the mentality that a full fridge is a good fridge. Two people only need so much food.
Dump your lettuce with me! We love evening salads. We have the same problem of wasting food. I need to break from the mentality that a full fridge is a good fridge. Two people only need so much food.
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