Tuesday, August 31, 2010
If a Tree Falls in the Forest....
If I swing 1000 reps, or snatch 500 reps and no one is around to see it....did I do it? Does it count?
It doesn't matter because I train for myself. I will do it regardless of any witness. The only witness I need is my body that reflects the dedication to the consistency of the regular physical challenges I seem to be inspired to rise up to every week.
This morning I had a plan for my class to accomplish 1000 swing reps done in this interval combination,
40 reps, 1 min work, 30 sec rest
40 reps, 1 min. work, 30 sec rest
20 reps 1 min. work, 30 sec rest
100 reps per 4 minute rotation x 10 = 40 minutes 1000 swing reps
The exact swing combinations are not important. But I did make each rotation progressively harder, by making it heavier, or to include more one hand swings, for instance....
10/10/10/10 one hand swings w/12kg
20/20 one hand swings w/12kg
20 2 hand swings w/16kg
repeat the first 2 sets w/14kg
repeat last set w/16kg (or 20kg)
By the time we got about halfway I added snatches into the rest periods...Meg's still working toward her 50,000 snatches afterall....she's my girl....well, all of them are my girls, but she's the girl that makes us snatch more, lol!
here's an example, (no change in bell size because there's no rest period)
10/10/10/10 one hand swing, 1 min.,
6/6 snatches (R & L) 30 sec
20/20 one hand swings, 1 min
6/6 snatches, 30 sec
20 2 hand swings, 30 sec....now rest for 30 sec before starting the next rotation.
Done. and exactly on time 7:00am. (I did not count the warm up swings, about 100 reps)
Now I'm off to Equinox to do what? Well to be honest, I only have one class, or should I say one student in my Inter/Adv class who happens to be the General Manager of the Club (he's been training with me consistently for over 1 year now) and he's sick today....rare, rare occasion, but....I still have to train! I'm not sick.
I could have easily gone to yoga....double yoga if I wanted to, but that would be way too easy. One of the hardest things to do is train by yourself. No one counting on you. No one waiting for you. No one relying on you. No one, but the most important person of all.....you.
I would usually do another Max based workout, which means snatches, snatches, and more snatches! But I didn't have to take into consideration anyone else but myself. And knowing what I'm capable of, and my own training needs, I could do longer sets, hell, I could do whatever I wanted. And when it's only me I love the "boring stuff" I mean, who's going to pay you to do long ass repetitive single or double movement reps, set after set after set.....in other words....you can't pay for this kind of workout!
500 snatches w/negative press
10 R, 10 L, x 5 = 100 snatch/neg press, 6 minutes work
1 minute rest
x 5 = 500 snatch/neg press, 35 minutes
I chose to do a negative press from the top position of the snatch because my "press" strength is what lacks. Having to lower the bell to my shoulder in the rack position and re-snatch takes longer and is a different skill than casting over to the next snatch. 500 neg presses is a huge workload. Mark says he'd be really amazed if I'm not sore tomorrow....we'll see.
here's a video, back in the day, lol, demonstrating a snatch, negative press. (May 18th, 2008....love the music!)
PS I use negative presses often in my classes for a number of reasons, which I may write about some day in another blogpost......
Monday, August 30, 2010
Secret Experiment

This morning I found myself in my old stomping ground....my garage gym. 6:00am. Me, a 16kg, a gymboss (of course), and my trusty clock with a second hand for back up, lol. More to come in the following weeks....

PS my garage gym has turned into a storage room, but three or so kettlebells remain....who cares about a few spider webs here and there?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The "Killer" Strikes Again....but twice!
Two 20lb. KB's
5 dbl sn, 15 sec work/15 sec rest,
Two 12kg's 5 reps, 15 sec work, 30 sec rest
5 minutes 15 seconds per rotation (3 rotations)
now a bit faster....
6 dbl sn, 15 sec work/15 sec rest,
6/6 dbl sn, 30 sec work/30 sec rest (12 dbl sn)
6/6/6 dbl sn, 45 sec work/30 sec rest (18 dbl sn)
6/6/6/6 dbl sn 1 min work/ 30 sec rest (24 dbl sn)
Two 12kg's 5 reps, 15 sec work, 30 sec rest
a bit faster yet....
7 dbl sn, 15 sec work/15 sec rest,
7/7 dbl sn, 30 sec work/30 sec rest (14 dbl sn)
7/7/7 dbl sn, 45 sec work/30 sec rest (21 dbl sn)
7/7/7/7 dbl sn 1 min work/ 30 sec rest (28 dbl sn)
70 dbl sn
Two 12kg's 5 reps, 15 sec work, 30 sec rest
At this point we are done, done done with 1 minute long snatch pace sets, and double 12kg snatches. Time to slow things down....well not really but, the rest of the workout is done in 30 sec work/ 30 sec rest intervals.
Total 339 double snatches (324 w/20lber's, and 15 with two 12 kg's)
27 minutes approx.....can't be true! It seemed like forever. Barely a word was uttered in the Studio and Marks training partner Nick said, "That must have been hard! I've never heard such silence in the gym before!" Little did I know the daggers Meg was throwing at me with her eyes....I was facing the clock.
So to remind anyone that cares..... all of the rep #'s are done in 15 second intervals. For instance,
The point of pacing is develop the ability to do a certain amount of work at a certain rate. Running a six minute is not running a seven minute mile, it's a different pace which requires a different amount of energy. It's also a way to change the intensity of the same movement, in this case the double snatch without changing the weight.
I'll bereferring to these long pacing snatch workouts as "Killer" workouts....so watch out for more killers in the future!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday DBL's
30 sec work/rest intervals
10 sets of 7 reps
dbl cl/dbl strict press (10 min.)
dbl cl/push press (10 min)
15 sec work/rest intervals
10 sets of 7 reps
dbl cleans (5 minutes)
back to 30 sec work/rest intervals
10 sets
10/10 dbl / 2 hd KB Split (10 min.)
1 sw, gblt sq x 4 (10 min)
Total workout 45 minutes
In the first 10 sets I did a dbl clean before each strict press (long cycle). I was able to get all of my last press without pushpressing the bells. (69 strict dbl pr + 1 pu pr)
The next 10 sets were done the same way, with a clean before each push press. (70 pu pr + 1 from the last set)
The next 10 sets were only 15 sec work/rest because it was only the dbl clean. We were able to dbl clean 7 reps in that amount of time.
Back to swings, and 30 sec intervals...10 sets of 20 rep Kettlebell Split. (200 swings)
I ended the workout with one bell instead of dbls for squats, so I had to implement the goblet squat. The biceps of the person I was training with were toast from all of the dbl cleans we had already done....therefore not making the dbl/cl sq possible. Although now that I think about it, I could have done them.
45 minutes is a relatively short workout for me, but it's become about standard for Thursday DBL's.....I still have 2 more 30 minute beginners classes to teach afterwards.....in addition to my pullup and Level 2 skills I practice later in the day with Mark @ Girya.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Go Ahead, Eat the Skin...I dare you!
My point is life is too short to pull the chicken skin off...it's yummy.
OK, so the second night, in Huingary, Mark and I ate at the Hotel resturant, and I was looking over the salads because I happen to love salads, not because I was counting calories. It's no secrect that I love fresh veggies, and I had heard horror stories about how hard it was to find fresh veggies in Eastern Europe....???? Whoever told me that must've not vacationed in the Summer (or Spring), how could there not be fresh foods in the Summer? Anyway, I ordered a endive, asparagus and beet salad with grilled quail and tiny poached quail eggs topping the individual endive leaves. Those quail eggs were cr-eamy! I knew I had to make a version of this when I got home.
Years ago I had taken a "gourmet" cooking class where they demonstrated boning a quail (yep, boning a freakin', tiny ass, quail!), so the thought of buying and preparing quail wasn't intimidateing to me. I remembered seeing quail eggs and frozen quail at the Vietnemese Market....voila!
$.99 cents for 1 dozen quail eggs...yep $.99 cents! $7.99 for 6 quail. Now this seemed kind of inexpensive (I don't like to use the word cheap, lol), so after that batch was gone I bought some more quail at Whole Foods....$14.99 for 4! That's almost 3 times as much. I admit the Whole Foods quail looked better.....but until I have a side by side taste test....hey I still buy my Thanksgiving Turkey at Safeway....I'm over the whole "organic" thing..... OK, I'm not going to lie...I'm not! But I'm getting over it more and faster.
I enjoyed a few salads with poached quail eggs. It was challenging getting those little suckers just right. TIP: your poaching water has to be boiling or near boiling. Anything less will not cook the whites fast enough and you'll end up with "spider web" whites. I decided I wasn't %100 sure of the freshness of the eggs from this particular market, but I'm going to go to a busier Asian market in hopes of feeling like the turn over is a bit more consistent.
The quail I left in the fridge to defrost and once they were no longer frozen I rinsed them off, cut out the backbone (and neck), flattened those puppies (OK, I mean birdies) by simply opening them up, breast side up and pushing down on the breast bone to flatten. I made sure they had been out of the fridge for about 20 minutes, so they weren't stone cold, and also, I dried them completely with paper towels (oh, the waste...I'll have to write a blogpost sometime about how it used to be hard for me to "waste" paper towels. So much so that I used to rinse them out and dry them to use again, lol).
Back to the quail....
I sprinkled salt, pepper, and in honor of my Hungarian friends, paprika, put them skin side down in a smokin' hot saute pan. I would have grilled them if I had a grill! I let the skin get really crisp, and then I placed another heavy pot right on top of them to get a really good sear and to help flatten them out a bit more while making sure to cook them throughout, 5 minutes. Flipped them over and cooked for another 3-5 minutes.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Super Human Training Teleseminar

I'm very proud to announce that along with my new DVD coming out, this Wednesday, at 5pm PST I am going to be interviewed by Bud Jeffries and Logan Christopher for their Super Human Training Teleseminar.
Now that my dvd is coming out I can talk directly about my training methods and techniques that have allowed me to do such high volume swing training for such a long time.
heres the link to signup to hear my interview
Super Human Training Teleseminar Series
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Reverse Engineering, and how to apply that to having, no, feeling, the body you want to have.
Today I wanted to weigh myself. Good God I'm 47 years old....do I want to do this the rest of my life? I wanted to weigh myself because I was feeling so good I thought that the scale would have to reflect how good I was feeling by showing me a # I associate with feeling so good! (does this make sense?) But I knew that if the # wasn't right, or good enough I would feel like crap. Why would I do that to myself? Is this one of the by-products of living in this American culture? So consumed by bodyweight.....
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Queen of Ladders
When I design a workout I never know where the starting point is going to be, but I know it's going to get progressively harder set, by set, by set. The key word here is progressively. I'm all about building up the intensity of my workouts, brick, by brick. Or easing up on the intensity by simply turning around and going in the opposite direction.
For instance the workout written below ladders up the weight of the bell for the first 2 rotations (16kg - 40kg), but then it ladders down the length of each rotation by, again, laddering down the number of sets in each rotation, progressively.....laddering down the intensity by removing the last, hardest, or heaviest KB. You can also do the same exact workout in REVERSE! Or how about this? Do it twice, once in each direction....laddering up, and then laddering down....or, do it twice in reverse!
You see, I just gave you multiple workouts. Same weights...but oops, there's more..... If you double the workout, you just laddered up your workout time!
Here's a picture of the bells I used to end my Thursday dbl KB workout....the main workout, loaded with heavy dbl presses, swings and cleans, just wasn't enough, but I only had about 15 minutes before my next class.
All sets were 10 reps, 15 sec work/rest)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Progamming the Kettlebell Swing DVD is Ready!

I am so excited about my first DVD that explains EVERYTHING I've been doing for the past three plus years. The information on this DVD, will help you program individual or group kettlebell swing workouts for yourself or your clients, using my original swing progressions and unique training techniques.
Programming the Kettlebell Swing
Few people use the swing to its full potential -- in this live workshop DVD, Tracy will show you how to do just that. From individuals looking for a basic conditioning progression to instructors who need a variety of intense kettlebell routines, this DVD will cover all the angles. You'll be blown away by the variety possible using this simple movement.
The kettlebell swing is without a doubt the most important of all the kettlebell exercises, but who really knows how to train it properly? For most trainees, this is a throwaway move, done at the end of the workout for minimal reps in a hurry to get into the more "exciting" movements of the snatch, clean and press and jerks.
But Tracy Reifkind has changed all that with her original kettlebell choreography and progressions method demonstrating how to use just the basic kettlebell swing for an almost unlimited number of routines and intensity increases.
Learn how to program the kettlebell swing for the ultimate in muscular and cardiovascular conditioning with just a few basic progressions.
Learn how to maximize the most basic and important kettlebell exercise for the most efficient results possible.
Included on the workshop DVD: Tracy's progressions handout pdf
Muscle Density....the #1 reason to never stop training

.Like a diamond that forms under millions of years of pressure. You cannot buy this kind of muscle sophistication, you have to earn it.

Programming the Kettlebell Swing DVD is READY!

I am so excited about my first DVD that explains EVERYTHING I've been doing for the past three plus years. The information on this DVD, will help you program individual or group kettlebell swing workouts for yourself or your clients, using my original swing progressions and unique training techniques.
Programming the Kettlebell Swing
Few people use the swing to its full potential -- in this live workshop DVD, Tracy will show you how to do just that. From individuals looking for a basic conditioning progression to instructors who need a variety of intense kettlebell routines, this DVD will cover all the angles. You'll be blown away by the variety possible using this simple movement.
The kettlebell swing is without a doubt the most important of all the kettlebell exercises, but who really knows how to train it properly? For most trainees, this is a throwaway move, done at the end of the workout for minimal reps in a hurry to get into the more "exciting" movements of the snatch, clean and press and jerks.
But Tracy Reifkind has changed all that with her original kettlebell choreography and progressions method demonstrating how to use just the basic kettlebell swing for an almost unlimited number of routines and intensity increases.
Learn how to program the kettlebell swing for the ultimate in muscular and cardiovascular conditioning with just a few basic progressions.
Learn how to maximize the most basic and important kettlebell exercise for the most efficient results possible.
Included on the workshop DVD: Tracy's progressions handout pdf
Monday, August 16, 2010
PS Freeze Your Nuts!
Speaking of good things.....
Wine, cheese and nuts.....these are the only things that inspire me to keep blogging..
Snatch Vo2 based pacing workout
I've been playing around with my method of "pacing" for a couple of years. Pacing swings, and snatches, but any kettlebell movement can be used and the benefits of pacing can change how you keep interest alive in your workouts (as it does mine and therefore my students workouts!). This method, or technique, is further explained in my upcoming DVD to be available within the next 2 weeks (fingers crossed).
OK, the original plan is to the left. All work reps are based on a 15 second intervals. The rest periods are some denomination of 15 seconds (15, 30, 60 seconds).
The first 10 sets were traditional Max 15:15. 7/7, or 8/8, whichever your current skill level is at. Mine is at 8/8 but I didn't warm up my snatch so I did my first 2 sets 7/7 (pictured to the right of the white board) followed by 8 more sets of 8/8 to equal 10 sets total (4 each L & R).
Here's the bulk of the workout using a snatch pacing technique. (pictured to the right of the photo above) All single snatches were done w/12kg, all dbl snatches were done w/two 10kg's.
8/5 R, rest, 8/5 L, rest, 10 dbl sn, rest
8/6 R, rest, 8/6 L, rest, 10 dbl sn, rest
8/7 R, rest, 8/7 L, rest, 10 dbl sn, rest
8/8 R, rest, 8/8 L, rest, 10 dbl sn, rest
x 3 rotations
Here's the work / rest breakdown:
8 snatches in the first 15 seconds
5 snatches in the next 15 seconds, for a total of a 30 sec work period,
rest 30 seconds (equal work/rest), repeat on the other side
10 dbl sn, 30 sec., rest 30 sec (again equal work/rest),
repeat laddering up the # of snatch reps in the 2nd half of the snatch work sets...get it?
All of this work was in preparation to snatch for 1 minute sets, without a hand switch, using this method of pacing. By the time we got around to these 1 minute sets we had already been snatching for 40+ minutes! This is only an hour long workout....so we only had time to complete one set of the minute long snatch pace sets.....but you'll see, in the video, how it actually turned out for me!
Last two sets.....15:15:15:15
8/8/5/5 R snatch do not switch hands, rest 30 seconds and repeat on the other hand (L).
The video starts with 8/7 and ends with my attempt at the last two minute long snatch pacing sets....."attempt" is the key word here, lol!
I adjusted my sock sleeve, knowing while I was doing it, that it had the potential to really screw up my grip.....it did! Stupid! I hate failing. I couldn't hang on to the bell with the added bulk of the thicker hand protection and so I had to put the bell down.
Now what? I went ahead and worked my left side, and then without resting I worked my right side, barely hanging on to the bell....seriously....I could have dropped it anywhere in the last 5 reps......
This blogpost is probably too confusing, but what can I say? I'm a long story teller!
I rarely do a Max based workout that has "equal work/rest" intervals these days, but working with my jetlag it was a nice way to ease back into my routine. My regulars had a bit of time off, working with a substitute, but I'm back and I've got some new plans.....more to come.....
My brilliant husband, Master Instructor Mark Reifkind, writes about pacing the snatch. Fast or slow....it's all good! (We should write a newsletter, huh?)
"The Snatch is a great exercise, the 'Tsar of the Kettlebell lifts' according to Pavel and I agree. And, with the popularity of Max Vo2 training fast snatching or overspeed work has really gained ground. But, there is just as much benefit from snatching slowly, with a set pace where you have to 'rest in the overhead position' as there is from sprint snatching.
With Max Vo2 training one can really increase one's cardiovascular ability, de- inhibit their form on the snatch and really 'find' their groove.But it also has the capacity to allow for shorted snatches, poor lockout position and and a deficit of static strength in the overhead position.
Snatching more slowly, with an emphasis on the lockout and hold position, allows one to focus on both a steady paced snatch workout and the static strength, and rotator cuff stability of holding a weight overhead for prolonged periods.
All one has to do is look at GS sport competitors and their ability to do hundred of reps on one arm to see the benefit of snatching more slowly with solid holds overhead.
So, using both sprinting and paced type workouts have serious benefits for the kettlebell athlete that wants the best of both worlds and serious muscle development to boot!"
My First Batch this Summer
A pot of black beans early this morning in the PC and I was wishing I had a pkg of tortillas in the house for a lunchtime burrito of tomatoes, grilled squach, grilled corn, and chicken....Cojito cheese would have been a bonus!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
It's Good to Be Back
I did not train nearly as much as I wanted to during our trip to the Hungarian RKC....surprise, surprise. Usually I would make it a priority, but I decided that this trip was not about me, Instead of obsessing about working out and spending my whole lunch hours swinging, snatching and pressing, instead I relaxed a bit and tried not to worry...."tried"....
The first day, as I mentioned, I managed a short 25 minute "100" workout with the 12 & 16kg. The second day I only managed to walk 1 mile (4x around the track you see pictured right), holding a 12kg in a "waiters", "rack" and "farmers" walk position. I was inspired to do this as

(I had taken a small bell to our hotel to practice Get-ups Saturday morning, but overslept...yikes!)
Monday was our only day to enjoy the sights and shopping in Budapest, so no training. Tuesday was our trip home....salty airport and airline foods.....a boring 10 hours +....what to do but eat? (Shrek was a cute little movie, wasn't it?)
Good Lord! We left Hungary at 7:00am Tuesday, and arrived home at 12noon the same day (9:00pm Hungary time). I crashed at 3:30pm and there I lay until Wednesday morning around 3:30am. Time to jump back into the deep end....thank God!
6:00am Spin. 7-7:45am Get-ups, negative pull-up,and hanging leg raise training. 9:30am Bikram yoga. 7 days since my last double class the previous Wednrsday, the day we left! I haven't taken that much time from my Bikram practice since my surgery almost 3 years ago.
OK, so this morning, Thursday, is the first time I get back to teaching.....ouch! I'm sore as crap in my lower "Dear Abbies" (a term Pavel uses to describe his abs...can you tell we spent alot of time with him? And Adrea DuCane btw, lucky me)....and my glutes were screaming from the lunges in the Get-ups.
Thursday is a doubles workout followed by at least two more Swing classes. Inspired to train doubles a bit heavier, my body was not in agreement! So I stuck with the 12's! Double swings, strict press, push presses, see-saw presses, all with an emphasis on the negative reps, along with double cleans, squats, and double bottoms ups.....It's good to be back!
Simple Life
I must be at that age when minimalism is so much more attractive than my younger years of wanting to posess, collect, and hoard. Maybe I'm feeling more secure than ever and I don't need all of those extra "things". Wanting and needing are two different things, and as I continue to "want" certain things in my life, my "needing" seems to be less and less and less.
This feeling is most evident in my relationship with food.
It's 5:00am and I just finished grilling some garden fresh yellow squash I picked up from Wayne's garden yesterday. (this was the first time this season I've been over there) Squash is sweetest when cooked as close to harvest as possible, as it's natural sugars start to turn to starch the longer you store it after picking it.....that's not the point though......
The point is that on vacation I was able to enjoy some really good foods....and some really bad foods! And you know what? A couple of things.....
Life is too short to eat crap you don't like. And that means certain "diet foods" we eat only because we think they're going to help us lose weight. That also means we don't eat certain foods because we think they will make us fat.....like sugar, carbs, wheat, fat, etc....
We have an abundance of incredibly yummy foods, practically anytime we want them. Our food wishes are at our command (I know mine are) There are too many choices, and they're all good, and good for us, because not only does food nourish our bodies, food nourishes our souls. Trust that whatever foods you want are there for you whenever you want them, and they will be. There's no need to posess alot of food, or collect and hoard more food than we need.
What does all of this have to do with a "simple life"?
We overcomplicate things. We overthink things. We try to over perfect our lives, and in the process we "work hard, not smart". I'm tired, and you know what else? It doesn't work for me! Things work so much better when I let go....when I surrender to simplicity. When I trust that I am capable of making good choices.....the right choices.
What are the right choices? The right choices are vegetables when I need vegetables, candy when I need candy....both are right, both are good. Simple.
I want a simple life. I want a good life. Oops...I already have it!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
There's No Place Like Home....but there are close seconds!
Monday, August 9, 2010
How's the food?
More to come, the best RKC ever, having and great time and the food IS good,lol....
it's food, after all.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
1 of 4 workouts....
10 2 hd sw w/16kg, 15 sec rest,
20 sn/tr, w/14kg
20 2 hd sw w/16kg, 30 sec rest,
20 sn / tr, w/14kg, 30 sec rest,
30 2 hd sw w/16kg, 30 sec rest,
20 sn / tr, w/14kg, 30 sec rest,
40 2 hd sw w/16 kg, 30 sec rest.
Monday, August 2, 2010
No Time to Blog