You know it's a challenge to keep track of exact rep count when you lead others through their workouts in addition to your own training. I know for a fact I hit 2012 on the nose on Tuesday, and Thursday I went over because of taping a short video, but this morning I went way over...well not WAY over, just a few, or 500 hundred.... (I don't count any reps under a 12kg)
Started out my first class with 605 swings (12kg) and 200 snatches (12kg).
Here is the start of my 2nd (advanced) class. It's a snatch workout that consists of 2 minutes long sets of 48 reps with 1 minute rest. 13 sets total, 39 minutes. Videos show the first two sets and the last set to show the example.
23/1, 1/23
22/1, 2/22
21/3, 3/21
20/4, 4/20
19/5, 5/19
18/6, 6/18
17/7, /17
16/8, 8/16
15/9, 9/15
14/10. 10/14
13/11, 11/13
12/12. 12/12
Damn...I should have ended it with only 12/12! I thought this workout equaled 600 reps, but it appears as if I went over by 24 reps! Well, I can't be expected to keep track of every single damn rep! Anyway...
I was actually nervous about this workout and had Mark tape my hands before I left for class in anticipation of some rough work ahead....I've been transformed! OM freakin' G! Was it the taped hands? Or was this workout easy? My hands never posed a problem and it seemed as if I cruised through the whole 624 reps.
Give it a try and let me know your thoughts!
We finished off the 2nd class with 2 sets of 200 swing reps (I posted the swing combo a couple of days ago). 824 snatches and 1005 swings down....183 reps to go....we finished them in the first 10 minutes of the 3rd class!
PS Blog post about how to tape your hands to come....seriously, I've seen the light!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
"25" Advanced...formerly known as "Christmas Day" but why not "New Years Day" too?
Here it is written out! When I get home from training this afternoon I will post video of each rotation so if you want to train along with me you can.
5x5 reps (1.25 min)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr 10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
9 min., 200 swings
4x5 reps (1 min.)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
4x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr 10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
4x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
4x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
8 min, 180 swings
3x5 reps (.75 min)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
3x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr 10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
3x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
3x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
7 min., 160 swings
2x5 reps (.5)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
2x5 reps
1 sw 1 tr 10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
2x5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
2x5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
6 min., 140 swings
5 reps (.25)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5 reps
1 sw 1 tr 10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5 reps
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5 reps
10/10 + 5 2 hd sw x 1
5 min., 120 swings
27 min., 800 swings (300 20kg, 500 14kg)
5 reps
25 2 hd sw
30 reps, 1.25 min additional
Friday, December 30, 2011
"Classic 100" Swing AND Snatch road to 2012!
Yesterday my road to 2012 continued by starting out like this:
40, 30, 20, 10 16kg swings
3 snatch tests after 1 quick warm up so sw/sn/tr (6 sn)
100 snatch reps (5min/5min) (see video below)
300 snatches
So you want to combine your swing workout with your snatch workout? Here it is! I did not list rest times, but all work/rest intervals are "equal". In the first rotation all swing sets are only 10 reps = 15 sec and all 5/5 snatch sets are 30 sec. In the second rotation I listed the work period, but not the rest period, that's up to you. Always start with equal work/rest unless you know you are capable of changing it.
"Classic 100" Swing and Snatch
10 2 hd sw x 4
10 tr x 4
5/5 x 4
5/5 sn x 4
10 min
10 2 hd sw x 3
10 tr x 3
5/5 x 3
5/5 sn x 3
7.5 min
10 2 hd sw x 2
10 tr x 2
5/5 x 2
5/5 sn x 2
5 min
10 2 hd sw x 1 (video demo)
10 tr x 1
5/5 x 1
5/5 sn x 1
2.5 min
25 min., 300 swings, 100 snatches
40 2 hd sw x 1 (all swing sets are 1 min work)
40 tr x 1
5/5 x 4 x 1
5/5 snatches x 4 (40 sn, 2 min work)
9 min
30 2 hd sw (all swing sets are 45 sec work)
30 tr
5/5 x 3 x 1
5/5 snatches x 3 (30 sn, 1.5 min work)
7 min
20 2 hd sw (all swing sets are 30 sec work)
20 tr
5/5 x 2 x 1
5/5 snatches x 2 (20 sn, 1 min/1 min rest)
5 min
10 2 hd sw x 1 (video demo)
10 tr x 1
5/5 x 1
5/5 sn x 1
2.5 min
23.5 min
300 swings
100 snatches
total workout 48.5 min
600 swings
200 snatches
I did this workout using the 16kg and ALL 2 hd swings, while my training partner did all swing combinations as written. I used the 12kg for all snatch sets
500 16kg swings done 10 2 hd at a time
40,30,20,10 = 100 16kg all 2 hd swing
5/5 snatches (100 12kg snatches done in this way)
40,30,20,10 (done 5/5, another 100 12kg snatches)
so far total
700 16kg swings
306 16kg snatches
200 12kg snatches
video demo (30 sw, 10 sn)
Since I train by myself for half of my workout I decided to just go for some long ass sets! Here they are:
1 set of 100 snatch reps w/12kg
10/10 x 10 (I didn't time it but I think it took about 3.5 - 4 min)
3 sets of 200 swing reps (5 min work/2 min rest)
10 2 hd sw, 40 tr, 10 2 hd sw, 1 sw/1tr x 20 (40 reps), 10 2 hd sw, 5/5 x 4, 10 2 hd sw, 10/10 x 2 = 200
1 set of 100 reps (2.5 min work, done!)
5 2 hd sw, 20 tr, 5 2 hd sw, 1 sw/1tr x 10, 5 2 hd sw, 5/5 x 2, 5 2 hd sw, 10/10 = 100
700 16kg swings
306 16kg snatches
200 12kg snatches
110 12kg snatches (video demo put me over!)
730 12kg swings (video demo put me over!)
One more to go on Saturday...what a way to end such a fabulous year!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Most of my posts lately have been about training. This is because every time I start to write something about weightloss, whether it's about food, eating or attitude I can't seem to articulate what it is I'm trying to say. I absolutely believe, and know, that my experiences and results can be duplicated in much the same way I myself succeeded in changing this part of my life, and in turn changing every part of my life. So, here are a few of my thoughts based on what works for me, and how I dieted for weightloss.
#1 Eat better, eat less, eat more nutritiously.
#2 "Feed yourself", by cooking and preparing your own foods. Foods you custom choose to match flavors and portions you need to feel happy and satisfied, but fit within what you know follows #1. "Feed yourself" is a phrase I use to describe growing up! Quit being a baby. It's you life, it's your body, feed it.
#3 Take responsibility for your current situation and then make the changes you know you need to make. All the "bad" or unfortunate things that has happened to you have also helped make you the awesome person you are today, so celebrate instead of blame. It's not your parents, your ex, your kids, your only hurt yourself by blaming the end day whoever you've been blaming is busy living their yours.
#4 Have an interest (maybe obsession) in becoming an expert on your own weightloss. Make it a game or an experiment of one. Use your "uncommon" common sense about what you already know about food and nutrition. Use what you know in your know that your are capable, you are smart, you are deserving and you are secretly a badass! (I know you are, but I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to)
#5 Dream. Dream big! Dreaming isn't the same thing as "wishing". When you dream, you see, you can visually see what you want, and then you start to feel dream, see, feel. If you can lose 1 pound you can lose 10, 20, 100lbs. I don't care if you never in your life weighed your dream number. I don't think I ever weighed as little as I have, as an adult, for as long as I have these past 6 years, and I know no number is unattainable (I hope no one is silly enough to comment using examples of blatant anorexia)
#6 Who are you? Drop those old labels and belief's like, "I'm a binge eater", or "I have a problem with sugar" "fat", "carbs", "I have an weight issue, I always have", "I struggle with my weight". Don't own having a problem, issue or struggle. Personally you will never ever hear me say any of those things. I don't say them because I don't believe them. And if you ever say them in front of me I will quickly correct you! Remember, you're a badass and badasses don't have problems, issues or struggles!
#7 Know that you do not have to go the rest of your life without ever again eating an entire pizza! You may, or you may not. Remember that dieting is not a vacation from overeating, overeating is a vacation from dieting! Dieting through the week is like paying your bills on time and putting a little cash (calories) away in the the bank for that pizza on the weekend!
Bottom can do it. If one person, any person, can do it, then it can be done. Hello, my name is Tracy Reifkind. I'm not the only one, but I'm one....
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
The First of Three 2012 rep workouts
Whew! I just spent the last 30 minutes, or so, journaling today's training. I had planned on designing a 2012 rep workout for this weekend, but honestly it's about what I do already three days a week given that I teach and train with my class and sometimes my clients, so I thought I would make it "formal". Since my swing classes average 600-800 swings in 30 minutes (and I teach two on Tues/Thurs, three on Sat), 1400 swings was a done deal....all I had to add in was 612 snatches....that's how I arrived at that ratio (to be honest, 2012 swings would be easier!)
During this past month I decided that I would only pick up and train with the 14kg on Tuesdays. Nothing heavier, nothing lighter, so if I decide to swing doubles, it has to be two 14kg's.....stands to reason why I had to also snatch the 14kg today....darn!
I do have some grand plans for the rest of the week, but I tore my left palm open and it looks as if I'm just going to have to get in the habit of taping up. I will probably not have time to post any of these exact workouts...but not to worry! I've got the advanced version (800 swings) of Christmas Day "25" workout that I will post in the next couple of days. And the workouts I did today are really, really fun so you will eventually see them.
How bout you come up with a 2012 workout for me?
During this past month I decided that I would only pick up and train with the 14kg on Tuesdays. Nothing heavier, nothing lighter, so if I decide to swing doubles, it has to be two 14kg's.....stands to reason why I had to also snatch the 14kg today....darn!
I do have some grand plans for the rest of the week, but I tore my left palm open and it looks as if I'm just going to have to get in the habit of taping up. I will probably not have time to post any of these exact workouts...but not to worry! I've got the advanced version (800 swings) of Christmas Day "25" workout that I will post in the next couple of days. And the workouts I did today are really, really fun so you will eventually see them.
How bout you come up with a 2012 workout for me?
Saturday, December 24, 2011
"25" Christmas weekend workout!
Currently I'm trying to upload the accompanying video. I was hoping to post and entire 30 minute class, lead by me, but I decided to break it down into 2 parts. Two parts because you can chose to repeat the first part for a 600 swing rep workout, combine part 1 and part 2 for another workout, and finally, train Part 2 twice over for yet another workout!
Sick of "5 rep" work sets? Too bad! Because the really hard version is coming next week! What a way to ring in the New Year....with the most boring of boring, hardcore, do it or die workout! Anybody can do stuff they love, and/or are good at, but will you do the boring, hard, repetitive, long and heavy stuff?
These workouts are based on "25" swing reps. First, 5 reps x 5 sets = 25 reps total. Then there are 20 rep one hand swing combinations + 5 more 2 hd swings....the extra five reps takes you into your rest period, making this entire workout slightly more work than rest.
Tracyrif's "25" Christmas Day workout
1st half
5 x 5
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 3 sets
5 x 5
1 sw/1 tr x 10 (20 reps) + 5 2 hd sw x 3 sets
5 x 5
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 3 sets
12.75 minutes, 300 swings
Option #1, repeat this first half one more time, but you can chose a heavier bell for 5 x 5 work sets, total workout 600 swings, 25.5 min (30 sets of 5 reps total)
In the second half of this workout I stay with the 5 x 5 worksets, but ladder down the one hand swing sets. This means you will be swinging more 5 reps sets!
2nd half
5 x 5 (1.25 min)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 2 sets (2 min)
5 x 5
1 sw/1 tr x 10 (20 reps) + 5 2 hd sw x 2 sets
5 x 5
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 2 sets
9.75 225 swings
Sick of "5 rep" work sets? Too bad! Because the really hard version is coming next week! What a way to ring in the New Year....with the most boring of boring, hardcore, do it or die workout! Anybody can do stuff they love, and/or are good at, but will you do the boring, hard, repetitive, long and heavy stuff?
These workouts are based on "25" swing reps. First, 5 reps x 5 sets = 25 reps total. Then there are 20 rep one hand swing combinations + 5 more 2 hd swings....the extra five reps takes you into your rest period, making this entire workout slightly more work than rest.
Tracyrif's "25" Christmas Day workout
1st half
5 x 5
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 3 sets
5 x 5
1 sw/1 tr x 10 (20 reps) + 5 2 hd sw x 3 sets
5 x 5
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 3 sets
12.75 minutes, 300 swings
Option #1, repeat this first half one more time, but you can chose a heavier bell for 5 x 5 work sets, total workout 600 swings, 25.5 min (30 sets of 5 reps total)
In the second half of this workout I stay with the 5 x 5 worksets, but ladder down the one hand swing sets. This means you will be swinging more 5 reps sets!
2nd half
5 x 5 (1.25 min)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 2 sets (2 min)
5 x 5
1 sw/1 tr x 10 (20 reps) + 5 2 hd sw x 2 sets
5 x 5
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 2 sets
9.75 225 swings
5 x 5 (1.25)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1 set (1.0)
20 tr + 5 2 hd sw x 1 set (1.0)
5 x 5
1 sw/1 tr x 10 (20 reps) + 5 2 hd sw x 1 set
5 x 5
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1 set
6.75 min 150 swings
1 sw/1 tr x 10 (20 reps) + 5 2 hd sw x 1 set
5 x 5
5/5 x 2 + 5 2 hd sw x 1 set
6.75 min 150 swings
16.5 minutes total 375 swings.
Option #2 Complete the 1st half one time, complete the second half one time. 29.25 minutes, 675 swings. (45 sets of 5 reps total)
Option #3 Double this second half of this workout for 750 swings, 33 minutes. (Use a heavier bell in the second half for the 5 x 5 work sets) (60 sets of 5 reps total)
Sick of "5 rep" work sets? Too bad! Because the really hard version is coming next week! What a way to ring in the New Year....with the most boring of boring, hardcore, do it or die workout! Anybody can do stuff they love, and/or are good at, but will you do the boring, hard, repetitive, long and heavy stuff?
Don't think I forgot about snatches! After I taped the first "25" swing workout (675 swings), I taped the second, advanced "25" workout (800 swings)...then it was time for "25" Snatches! So if you only want to snatch today, here it is:
"25" sets of 10 snatch reps, done "on the 30 seconds"
I started each set on the 30 second interval. I was snatching at a quick pace, but I wouldn't describe it as "Max" pace. It took me about 20 seconds to snatch 10 reps, leaving me with a 10 sec rest period. I alternated R and L every other set.
12.5 min, 250 snatches
Next came 10 sets of "25" reps!
I took a whole minute to complete my 25 snatch reps, resting an entire minute between sets. Originally my plan was to only rest 30 seconds (cutting the time by 2.5 minutes), but I had already done 1475 swings, 250 snatches...what was the hurry? Besides I had 4 other women training alongside me and I didn't feel the need to keep up such intensity!
20 min, 250 snatches.
Total Christmas Day "25"
1475 swings
500 snatches.
Option #2 Complete the 1st half one time, complete the second half one time. 29.25 minutes, 675 swings. (45 sets of 5 reps total)
Option #3 Double this second half of this workout for 750 swings, 33 minutes. (Use a heavier bell in the second half for the 5 x 5 work sets) (60 sets of 5 reps total)
Sick of "5 rep" work sets? Too bad! Because the really hard version is coming next week! What a way to ring in the New Year....with the most boring of boring, hardcore, do it or die workout! Anybody can do stuff they love, and/or are good at, but will you do the boring, hard, repetitive, long and heavy stuff?
Don't think I forgot about snatches! After I taped the first "25" swing workout (675 swings), I taped the second, advanced "25" workout (800 swings)...then it was time for "25" Snatches! So if you only want to snatch today, here it is:
"25" sets of 10 snatch reps, done "on the 30 seconds"
I started each set on the 30 second interval. I was snatching at a quick pace, but I wouldn't describe it as "Max" pace. It took me about 20 seconds to snatch 10 reps, leaving me with a 10 sec rest period. I alternated R and L every other set.
12.5 min, 250 snatches
Next came 10 sets of "25" reps!
I took a whole minute to complete my 25 snatch reps, resting an entire minute between sets. Originally my plan was to only rest 30 seconds (cutting the time by 2.5 minutes), but I had already done 1475 swings, 250 snatches...what was the hurry? Besides I had 4 other women training alongside me and I didn't feel the need to keep up such intensity!
20 min, 250 snatches.
Total Christmas Day "25"
1475 swings
500 snatches.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Tracyrif's new "5 rep" Swing routine! A Prelude to the Christmas Day Swing Workout
Today I'm presenting to you 2 video demonstrations. The first I explain why I'm really diggin' this new "5 rep" count addition to my swing training. It all started a couple of weeks ago when my Tuesday class was treated to a 100 continuous swing rep workout (6 sets of 100 one hand post to come). The following week, not wanting to kill them again, at least not in the same way (lol), I designed a "50" rep set swing all got the results of that one. Next? Well, since I always design my workouts in a progressive way, or a "regressive" way, it stands to reason 25 reps would be in order.
What? 25 reps? But I only work in sets of 10's!
I loved that this challenge of designing a 25 rep out workout brought out my creative side and produced, yet another, seriously valid technique of training the swing....5 reps at a time!
The best way to time 5 reps is to start each work set "on the 15 sec" interval. Which means that you start each set of 5 reps every 15 seconds. (video demo) In this workout I want you to experience what it feels like to swing short work/rest sets compared to longer work/rest sets. In this first "5 rep" workout it is important that you stick to equal work/rest for the first rotation, even if you are capable of shorter rest periods....I'll give you options for those. Here's the workout;
10 sets of 5 reps 2 hd swings ("on the 15 sec x 10 = 2.5 min)
10 transfer swings (15/15)
10 "swing-transfers" (20 reps total), (30/30)
5/5 one hand swings x 4 = 40 reps (1 min/1 min)
6 minutes per rotation, 120 swings
repeat 4 times
24 min 480 swings
end the workout w/10 sets of 5 rep 2 hd swings ("on the 15 sec")
26.5 min, 530 swings
Intermediate and advanced level rest options;
2nd rotation, only 30 seconds after the lst minute long set before you start the next 10 sets of "5 reps"
3rd rotation, only 15 seconds rest between all sets (excluding the 5 reps sets, of course)
4th rotation....and here is where a second hand comes in handy....7.5 seconds between all sets....ALL sets!
end with 10 sets of "5 reps".
Have Fun, and I'll see you on Christmas Eve!
What? 25 reps? But I only work in sets of 10's!
I loved that this challenge of designing a 25 rep out workout brought out my creative side and produced, yet another, seriously valid technique of training the swing....5 reps at a time!
The best way to time 5 reps is to start each work set "on the 15 sec" interval. Which means that you start each set of 5 reps every 15 seconds. (video demo) In this workout I want you to experience what it feels like to swing short work/rest sets compared to longer work/rest sets. In this first "5 rep" workout it is important that you stick to equal work/rest for the first rotation, even if you are capable of shorter rest periods....I'll give you options for those. Here's the workout;
10 sets of 5 reps 2 hd swings ("on the 15 sec x 10 = 2.5 min)
10 transfer swings (15/15)
10 "swing-transfers" (20 reps total), (30/30)
5/5 one hand swings x 4 = 40 reps (1 min/1 min)
6 minutes per rotation, 120 swings
repeat 4 times
24 min 480 swings
end the workout w/10 sets of 5 rep 2 hd swings ("on the 15 sec")
26.5 min, 530 swings
Intermediate and advanced level rest options;
2nd rotation, only 30 seconds after the lst minute long set before you start the next 10 sets of "5 reps"
3rd rotation, only 15 seconds rest between all sets (excluding the 5 reps sets, of course)
4th rotation....and here is where a second hand comes in handy....7.5 seconds between all sets....ALL sets!
end with 10 sets of "5 reps".
Have Fun, and I'll see you on Christmas Eve!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Cook and Do Food Prep When You Are Not Hungry!
It's no secret that I'm a big time "meal planner". I love to cook, and I love food prep, it's my form of meditation. But I can't meditate when I'm hungry!
In my last blog post I talk about eating when you are not hungry...mostly out of boredom as food has become a form of entertainment in this culture. Maybe I have deep overeating food "triggers", or habits that still present a bit of "charge" behind them. I only say that because I know there are plenty of people in this world that have no "charge", or "triggers" to eat more than they need to...I want to be one of those people! I know they exist! I live with one, and have a best friend that is one....
Anyway.... One of the ways I skip over walking into these "triggers" is to cook and do meal prep when I'm the least hungry. For me that works out to be first thing in the morning, usually right after I get up at 4:00am. My first obligation, when I'm not teaching, is at the earliest, 7:00am, and most times not until 8:00am, so I can get a ton done before I leave the house in the morning, making things perfect for when I get home around 12-1:00. Lunch is ready, dinner too! I also have the most amount of energy first thing in the about multi tasking! I can have all three pressure cookers going at once!
The next best time for me to cook is after I eat! After lunch it's common for me to start dinner, at least the prep for it. But then dinner comes around and lots of times I'll find myself heating up something already made, skip cooking but organize prep ingredients for first thing the next morning.
That's what I did today. I had planned on roasting a chicken and making some liver pate this morning, but no time.... I knew I could do it when I got home, but I was hungry! I ate lunch and I knew if I roasted that chicken I'd end up eating half of it right out of the oven! Crispy chicken skin is hard, hard, hard to resist....but not at 6:00 in the morning!
It will be fine for the morning. In addition to roasting the chicken, making the pate I'll also throw some 6 grain rice in the PC to eat with my peanut butter and all will be well again.
Know what may trigger you and "don't go there"! Lots of times I say, "If you buy it you'll eat it!" I know that about myself! "Triggers" may just be old habits that still have some unconscious "charge" behind them. I'm not worried that I can't change, I know I can change because I want to, and I am changing, in fact I've already made so many positive permanent changes! Choosing how I want to live my life, and creating new habits is exciting!
In the mean time I'll cook and do my food prep when I'm not hungry, and I won't buy any foods I don't want to eat. That works for me, and that's fine.
PS If you do not make most of your meals I still believe it's best to plan and arrange to purchase your breakfast/lunch/dinner when you are not yet hungry. You order less, you buy less, and therefore you just might eat less!
In my last blog post I talk about eating when you are not hungry...mostly out of boredom as food has become a form of entertainment in this culture. Maybe I have deep overeating food "triggers", or habits that still present a bit of "charge" behind them. I only say that because I know there are plenty of people in this world that have no "charge", or "triggers" to eat more than they need to...I want to be one of those people! I know they exist! I live with one, and have a best friend that is one....
Anyway.... One of the ways I skip over walking into these "triggers" is to cook and do meal prep when I'm the least hungry. For me that works out to be first thing in the morning, usually right after I get up at 4:00am. My first obligation, when I'm not teaching, is at the earliest, 7:00am, and most times not until 8:00am, so I can get a ton done before I leave the house in the morning, making things perfect for when I get home around 12-1:00. Lunch is ready, dinner too! I also have the most amount of energy first thing in the about multi tasking! I can have all three pressure cookers going at once!
The next best time for me to cook is after I eat! After lunch it's common for me to start dinner, at least the prep for it. But then dinner comes around and lots of times I'll find myself heating up something already made, skip cooking but organize prep ingredients for first thing the next morning.
It will be fine for the morning. In addition to roasting the chicken, making the pate I'll also throw some 6 grain rice in the PC to eat with my peanut butter and all will be well again.
Know what may trigger you and "don't go there"! Lots of times I say, "If you buy it you'll eat it!" I know that about myself! "Triggers" may just be old habits that still have some unconscious "charge" behind them. I'm not worried that I can't change, I know I can change because I want to, and I am changing, in fact I've already made so many positive permanent changes! Choosing how I want to live my life, and creating new habits is exciting!
In the mean time I'll cook and do my food prep when I'm not hungry, and I won't buy any foods I don't want to eat. That works for me, and that's fine.
PS If you do not make most of your meals I still believe it's best to plan and arrange to purchase your breakfast/lunch/dinner when you are not yet hungry. You order less, you buy less, and therefore you just might eat less!
Monday, December 19, 2011
The Truth About No TV
OK, so when did I throw out the TV? Oh yes, it was right before I gained about 3-5lbs! Good Lord!
The truth is that I got rid of my TV because it was a big ole dust magnet! The shear size of the damn thing was starting to make me claustrophobic. I wanted to start seeing the walls of my home, the floor of my home, the tops of tables in my home. I did not get rid of the TV because I'm some kind "TV is bad" snob! I don't think there's anything wrong with TV and in fact I think it can add a lot of value to one's life....or not! I can't worry about anyone else's life, just my own.
Personally I admit I had a few trashy shows I "vegged" out in front of. But for the most part my DVR was full of cooking shows and competitions, style and fashion shows, antique and collectible shows (Mark used to call Antique Roadshow, "Antique Sleepshow"! Cause it put me right to sleep!) Since I wake up and start my day at 4:00am, after dinner and spending some time on the computer I would retire to the front of the TV around 7:00pm in hopes that it would lull me to sleep. Which it did....but sometimes I found myself fighting sleep in order to watch the end of a show!
Most of the time I found that I was watching shows of no value really....some of them are called "repeats"! And some nights feeling bored, and not tired, I would sneak off into the kitchen to find something to munch on. Sometimes I was truly hungry because I hadn't eaten enough earlier in the day, and sometimes I was just bored....speaking of being bored!
No TV, but plenty of wine, snacks, facebook and online shopping.....whoops! I still found myself eating out of boredom, only now its not in front of the TV. I know how much normal body weight fluctuates, and it has indeed increased. Once I became aware of it however I'm quick to now notice when I'm doing it. Eating when you are not hungry is the craziest thing and when you notice it it really doesn't even feel good! Funny thing about habits can start new ones, bad or good, quickly! Hey...maybe I'll work on some good ones! Yep, I'm going to do it!
I did manage to get all of my Christmas shopping for Sophi done though....and only a few thing for know, I've got to get rid of something old first in order to buy something new! But I'm even tired and bored of shopping! Especially now that I'm clearing out and wanting to live many pairs of boots does the average minimalist own? One, two? Darn!

Seriously addition to all of these things I found myself going to bed at least 1/2 hour earlier than my regular 8:00pm bedtime and just lying still, meditating myself to's been nice.
But I do miss TV sometimes.

Personally I admit I had a few trashy shows I "vegged" out in front of. But for the most part my DVR was full of cooking shows and competitions, style and fashion shows, antique and collectible shows (Mark used to call Antique Roadshow, "Antique Sleepshow"! Cause it put me right to sleep!) Since I wake up and start my day at 4:00am, after dinner and spending some time on the computer I would retire to the front of the TV around 7:00pm in hopes that it would lull me to sleep. Which it did....but sometimes I found myself fighting sleep in order to watch the end of a show!
Most of the time I found that I was watching shows of no value really....some of them are called "repeats"! And some nights feeling bored, and not tired, I would sneak off into the kitchen to find something to munch on. Sometimes I was truly hungry because I hadn't eaten enough earlier in the day, and sometimes I was just bored....speaking of being bored!

I did manage to get all of my Christmas shopping for Sophi done though....and only a few thing for know, I've got to get rid of something old first in order to buy something new! But I'm even tired and bored of shopping! Especially now that I'm clearing out and wanting to live many pairs of boots does the average minimalist own? One, two? Darn!

Seriously addition to all of these things I found myself going to bed at least 1/2 hour earlier than my regular 8:00pm bedtime and just lying still, meditating myself to's been nice.
But I do miss TV sometimes.
20kg Roundabout part 3 (of 4)
OK here it is....part 3! Anyone that trains along with me for even only a few workouts can usually start to see the patterns of progression I use. This workout is no different.
In part one I laddered up the 16kg Roundabouts to 3 swings and alternated them with 20kg rdbt.
In the second workout I laddered up the 16kg rdbt to 5 swings, alternated them with the 20kg and decreased the rest periods.
In this 3rd version I ladder up the 20kg rdbt swings to 3 reps! finally huh? I kept the 16kg at only a 1sw rdbt until midway. At that point I started with a 16kg 3 sw rdbt and laddered down, while going back to a 1 sw rdbt w/20kg.
Last week the 20kg felt light...not the case this week! Swinging the 20kg up to 1 1/2 minutes is challenging in itself but as usual it was my grip, and my hand strength on my left side that was most bothersome. (My left hand is pretty chewed up....)
In all three heavy Roundabout workouts I kept the rest period after the heaviest bell at 1 minute.
Guess where we are going next? The good news is you'll get a little time off as part 4 will come in just short of two weeks! Finishing this cycle up right at the first of the year.
20 kg Roundabout part 3
16kg 1 sw rdbt (1/30 sec)
20kg 1 sw rdbt (1/1)
16kg 1 sw rdbt (1/30)
20kg 2 sw rdbt (1.25/1)
16kg 1 sw rdbt (1/30)
20kg 3 sw rdbt (1.5/1)
16kg 3 sw rdbt (1.5/30)
20kg 1 sw rdbt (1/1)
16kg 2 sw rdbt (1.25/30)
20kg 1 sw rdbt (1/1)
16kg 1 sw rdbt (1/30)
20kg 1sw rdbt (1)
540 swings (21.5 min....really? that's it? seemed longer, lol!)
270 w/16kg
270 w/20kg
Saturday, December 17, 2011
"One Bell" short version
This was the workout I lead in the first 30 minutes of my 7:15am class. It totals 600 swings. I repeated a longer version in my 9:00 class that totaled 800 swings in about the same amount of time. I will post the longer version at the end of the week. Try this one out for size first...both of the are, as ususal, fun!
I designed this progressive Swing workout based on using only one kettlebell, so I'm naming it "One Bell". If you own more than one bell you should chose the one you can comfortably swing for 1 minute, or 40 reps, with an equal work to rest ratio. The rest periods will be decreasing during the workout, but in a slow progression.
The workout starts out with 4 sets of 10 two hand swings as a warm up. From that point on each rotation starts out with 4 sets of 10 rep swing combinations and ends with one set of a 40 rep swing combination. I explain the workout in the video posted while I demonstrate most of the first rotation (I spare you the boredom of watching me swing 40 reps of two hand swings!)
The last half of this workout is the most challenging, suggesting only 15 sec rest periods between 40 reps sets. I've included in parathesis another option for more rest if you need it. I've also calculated the total workout time for both options.
Have fun!
warm up
10 2 hd sw x 4 sets = 2 min (40 reps 15/15)
1st rotation (equal work/rest) video demo
10 tr x 4 sets (40 reps, 15/15)
40 2 hd sw x 1 ( 40 resp, 1 min/1 min)
2nd rotation
1/2 sw ladder x 4 sets (40 reps total, 15/15)
40 tr x 1 set (40 reps, 1 min/45 sec. Rest period is decreasing)
3rd rotation
5/5 1 hd sw x 4 sets (40 reps total, 15/15)
1/2 sw ladder x 4 x 1 set (40 reps, 1 min/30 sec)
4th rotation
10 one hd sw x 4 sets (2 sets R, 2 sets L, 40 reps total 15/15)
5/5 1 hd sw x 4 x 1 set (1 min/15 sec)
5th rotation
10 2 hd sw x 4 sets (40 reps total, 15/15)
10/10 x 2 x 1 set (40 reps 1 min/15 sec) (1 min rest beg level)
5/5 x 4 x 1 set (40 reps total, 1 min/15 sec) (1 min rest beg level)
1/2 sw ladder x 4 x 1 set (40 reps total 1 min/15 sec) (1 min rest beg level)
40 tr ( 1 min/15 sec) (1 min rest, beg level)
40 2 hd sw (1 min.)
600 swings 24.5 minutes (27.5 beginner level)
Here is the link that demonstrates and explains my "1/2 swing ladder"
I designed this progressive Swing workout based on using only one kettlebell, so I'm naming it "One Bell". If you own more than one bell you should chose the one you can comfortably swing for 1 minute, or 40 reps, with an equal work to rest ratio. The rest periods will be decreasing during the workout, but in a slow progression.
The workout starts out with 4 sets of 10 two hand swings as a warm up. From that point on each rotation starts out with 4 sets of 10 rep swing combinations and ends with one set of a 40 rep swing combination. I explain the workout in the video posted while I demonstrate most of the first rotation (I spare you the boredom of watching me swing 40 reps of two hand swings!)
The last half of this workout is the most challenging, suggesting only 15 sec rest periods between 40 reps sets. I've included in parathesis another option for more rest if you need it. I've also calculated the total workout time for both options.
Have fun!
warm up
10 2 hd sw x 4 sets = 2 min (40 reps 15/15)
1st rotation (equal work/rest) video demo
10 tr x 4 sets (40 reps, 15/15)
40 2 hd sw x 1 ( 40 resp, 1 min/1 min)
2nd rotation
1/2 sw ladder x 4 sets (40 reps total, 15/15)
40 tr x 1 set (40 reps, 1 min/45 sec. Rest period is decreasing)
3rd rotation
5/5 1 hd sw x 4 sets (40 reps total, 15/15)
1/2 sw ladder x 4 x 1 set (40 reps, 1 min/30 sec)
4th rotation
10 one hd sw x 4 sets (2 sets R, 2 sets L, 40 reps total 15/15)
5/5 1 hd sw x 4 x 1 set (1 min/15 sec)
5th rotation
10 2 hd sw x 4 sets (40 reps total, 15/15)
10/10 x 2 x 1 set (40 reps 1 min/15 sec) (1 min rest beg level)
5/5 x 4 x 1 set (40 reps total, 1 min/15 sec) (1 min rest beg level)
1/2 sw ladder x 4 x 1 set (40 reps total 1 min/15 sec) (1 min rest beg level)
40 tr ( 1 min/15 sec) (1 min rest, beg level)
40 2 hd sw (1 min.)
600 swings 24.5 minutes (27.5 beginner level)
Here is the link that demonstrates and explains my "1/2 swing ladder"
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Tuesday "50 rep" workout, Thursday repeat
This morning I repeated Tuesday's workout (the same but different) because I liked it so much...I know you will too!
This workout is based on sets of 50 reps, using your heaviest bell for the first 10 reps and then switching to a lighter bell for the remaining 40 reps (1 min). Progressively working up to 50 reps, from 10, at an equal work to rest ratio.
The first set of 50 reps signifies the first work set that equal work/rest does not apply. At this point the work set takes a 1 minute 15 sec interval, while the rest period reduces to 45 seconds.
Repeat this 50 rep set 10 times for a total of 500 swing reps. The workout ends with an additional 10 sets of 10 reps (equal work/rest) for the last 100 reps with your heaviest bell (s)
On Tuesday my "heavy bell" was two 14kg's (double swings), and my light bell was the 14kg, which I swung using one hand swing combinations. This morning I chose one 24kg using 2 hand swings for the first ten reps and switching to the 14kg, also for 2 hand swings.
warm up (see video)
10 2 hd sw w/14kg x 4
10 2 hd sw w/24kg, 10 2 hd sw w/14kg x 1
10 2 hd sw w/24kg, 20 tr w/14kg x 1
10 2 hd sw w/24kg, 5/5 x 3 w/14kg x 1
130 swings
worksets (the first set in the video I demonstrated using 10/10 one hand swings as an option to all 2 hd swings)
10 2 hd sw w/24kg, 10/10 x 2 w/14kg x 1 (1.25 min/45 sec)
10 2 hd sw w/25kg, 40 2 hd sw x 9 (1.25 min/45 sec)
(total 10 sets of 50 any way you want to do the remaining 40 is up to you)
500 swings
10 x 10 reps w/24kg (see video)
100 swings
31.5 min. 730 swings
Dang! I miscalculated! I thought it total that I know it's 730....argh!
Snatches 7 sets of 50 = 350 snatches (2 minutes work/1 min rest)
Since I snatched the 14kg on Monday and Tuesday it was time to take a break, so I used the 12kg but I had to make it hard (for me). As I mention in the video the first set I did I switched at about 12-13 every 30 seconds taking up the entire 2 wasn't "hard". So I decided the hardest option would be 25/25 (one hand switch) at a fast pace. I started each set every three minutes, so the sooner I finished the work the more rest I got!
Here's the video of my last set.
PS On Tuesday I only did 4 sets of 50 snatches w/14kg (the last set I actually snatches the whole 2 minutes and got 58 reps)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Before and After part 1
First I made a clean sweep of my house. All garbage, and obvious Goodwill donate-ables were "kicked to the curb". Next I packed boxes household items I may not be quite ready to let go of. But before I could store those items I had to clean out my storage area behind our garage gym....which had turned into a storage area too!
My grown boys had kinda taken over the back storage (a low ceiling 6 ft x 20 ft area behind the gym) and I was forced to use the garage gym for the storage I needed (now of course I know I don't need the crap I've been storing!). So armed with garbage bags, I let my boys know that they needed to come and get anything they wanted....or it was going to the dump! Of course Mom (me) had to pack the trash and pay to have it hauled away, but away it went.
Wow! I opened up a huge storage area! One that I, in my dreams, would keep empty, but for now it was available for a real life game of "Tetris". In went the e
xtra household stuff, and for the very first time in a long time I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I had arranged to have the garage gym painted this past Saturday. I knew the date 3-4 weeks ahead of time...nothing like a deadline, huh? Practically everyday (after my nap!) I spent 1-2 hours before dinner out in the gym throwing things away, repacking, sweeping dust and had to get done!
I wanted it be a surprise for Mark, so I didn't tell him what I was up to until a few days ahead of time. Day before.....moving things away from the walls, sweeping, dusting....
I am loving my new vision of minimalism! With "Stone's Gym" empty and clean I want to keep it that way! I hope to bring nothing into the gym that is not for the purpose of the gym! The space looks huge! So much good energy and good training is in store for us!
Of course it's not quite finished but here are a couple of photos. I do want to write more about "before and after photos" as they relate to our spaces, or bodies, our lives. It's an interesting subject...more to much more!
Top photo is the new color scheme....I wanted to go with "Desert Storm" colors of sand and dark khaki brown. Those of you that have seen recent training video may recognize the old orange walls!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
20kg Roundabout part 2
My plan is to swing the 20kg for the next 2 weeks and then back off a bit before dropping the Roundabout and train straight one hand swings sets, 5 and 10 reps at a time. Ultimately my goal is to be able to snatch the 20kg and press it any day of the week. Currently I feel as if my grip is so over trained that it's not my strength that is the limiting factor, but my left hand grip. To prove how much I want to fix this I'm actually spending some time doing a little re-hab!
20kg & 16kg Roundabout part 2
The difference between today's workout and last Sat is that I start with 1 minute of 20kg Roundabouts and the rest period between the 20kg and the 16kg Roundabout sets was decreased to only 30 sec., instead of one minute. Also, the 16kg Roundabout Ladder continues to increase up to 7 one hand swings (2.5 minutes).
rdbt w/20kg (1.0/30)
rdbt w/16kg (1.0/1.0)
rdbt, w/20kg (1.0/30)
2 sw rdbt, w/16kg (1.25/1.0)
rdbt, w/20kg (1.0/30)
3 sw rdbt, w/16kg (1.5/1.0)
rdbt, w/20kg (1.0/30)
4 sw rdbt, w/16kg (1.75/1.0)
rdbt, w/20kg (1.0/30)
5 sw rdbt, w/16kg (2.0/1.0)
rdbt, w/20kg (1.0/30)
6 sw rdbt, w/16kg (2.25/1.0)
rdbt, w/20kg (1.0/30) (I ran out of time so I had to end here....but it's not over for you!)
7 sw rdbt, w/16kg (2.5/1.0)
5 rdbt, w/20kg (1.0)
Total 31.25 min. 320 20kg sw, 490 16kg sw (810 swings total)
Awesome! Nor matter what bell size you use. Over 800 swings in just about 30 minutes is an incredible pace!
PS Today the 20kg felt much lighter than last week!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Clearing Space to be Reborn
I am so backed up with workouts and video demos that I want to share but before I know it's time to train again.....and we're doing another workout, just a much fun as the last, and then we are on to yet another.... I still have "Sinister", "Fast Forward", and "The Wave" in the archives....oh and my extra special double "Kettlebell Split"...more Roundabouts....more crazy ass "one hand swing only" workouts....I try and journal all of my workouts so I can go back and be inspired to create new ones based on past routines, sometimes repeating a few of them rep for rep, but mostly once I step into the gym or into class the workout becomes new...either way it is reborn.
I've been steadily continuing to clean out my "stuff" and it's good to clear some space and feel some kind of order. After the initial clean sweep of my house I had to focus my attention on the garage. With the garage cleared of the crap and garbage it gives me room to store the things in my home I'm not quite ready to let go of permanently but want out of my living space....BUT, the garage is 90% done, and by the end of this weekend the garage gym "Stones Gym" will have a new coat of paint, the power rack back up and ready to become "pull-up" central! The garage Gym is going to be better than ever before and it will have it's own rebirth! (with a few video demos still to post you may not have seen the last of the orange walls though. lol) My workouts, my gym, and now me....again! I'm so lucky. I went through such a huge life transformation and I'm on yet another one, just as exciting, but different because this time I see it coming, I feel it coming, in fact it's here, now. Even though I don't know quite where it will take me, everyday feels new. I'm not worried in the least. As I clear the space around me of how my life used to be, I make room for more of what my life is supposed to be.....and I'm in charge!
Vegetarian Chili....with smoked sausage!
It's been a while since I made chili. Beans haven't been at the top of my list of food choices, good as they are.... But I've had so much chicken stock from all of the roasting I've been doing (still more bones in the freezer) that some kind of hearty soup was in order. That, and the fact that I was without any kind of protein in the house except for 1 link of Andouille sausage in my freezer (yep, the Prime Rib is all gone!).
I often joke that I eat more vegetables than most vegetarians! But really, I admit that's because I eat more food than most vegetarians! I've posted many chili recipes in the past because, along with using a pressure cooker, making chili is practically a no brainer. You don't even need veggies...but that wouldn't be any fun, would it? The only difference between stew and chili is the chili spices. Everything else is the same. Onion, celery, carrot, chili spices (see note*), garlic, beans (any kind), and protein (again, any kind).
Chili is a meal that can be made in one pot that includes a ton of nutrition, can be made in advance (and gets better day by day), can be frozen if need be, takes little effort and little time, and is loved by everybody. Chili is also one of those meals that you can almost literally throw anything and everything into! (it's also low in fat if that's one of your concerns)
This morning my chili started with diced sausage, adding onion, celery, diced rainbow chard stems, carrot. Chili spices, chipolte chili, garlic. Pintos, black eyed peas, kidney and small red beans. I didn't add black beans because if you don't pre soak your black beans they can turn everything else in the pot black!
I did my veg prep last night (before I polished my nails!) and first thing this morning it took 15 minutes to start, and it cooking away right now at high pressure in the PC....smells great! I'll add the chard leaves to wilt in the hot chili and lunch (or dinner) is taken care of before 6:00am.
I think I need to visit my kids this weekend and show them how to make it!
* For chili spice ingredients
*For my very first chili recipe blogpost
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
You Are Valid

The title of this blog post was a message for me.
On my way to yoga this morning I was thinking about some of the things I would change about myself if I could simply wave a magic wand. It wouldn't be any part of what I looked like, but how I act sometimes. Sometimes I act in a way, or say things to someone in hopes that they will "like" me better. How old am I? Digging a bit deeper (because I had the time) I realized how far back this feeling of wanting validation went....I didn't have to dig deep...or long!
Nearly everyone of us has some experience of feeling "unwanted". It could be from a parent, a teacher, a group of peers, the opposite sex? Heck, I've felt unwanted from salespeople who didn't think I had any money to spend! Feeling unwanted sucks! But the end of the day getting validation from a salesperson? Anyone that has ever "made" you feel unwanted is as unimportant as a salesperson as far as I'm's their loss....or as it turns out it may be your loss!
If you feel as if you need validation you are telling yourself that you don't have it. You must first remind yourself! I AM VALID. I AM VALID. I AM VALID.....HEY, I AM VALID! You are valid simply because you are here! Now, do you care if anyone else feels the same? I don't!
This was my message to myself this morning...what a relief! Now I pass it on to you.
If I know any one thing about you, and I may just know one thing about you, it's that...abra ca dabra....You Are Valid!
Do you believe it yet? You should! Because YOU ARE VALID! We all are.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Saturdays Workout, More Roundabout Fun w/20kg
Personally I've been trying to incorporate more and more one hand swings into my workouts. I naturally gravitate towards the two hand swings because I love the shoulder pump I get when I train those! But I'm lacking in the asymmetrical strength the one hand swing builds, especially with the heavier weights.
In this workout you will be using two bells, one that you are fairly comfortable swinging for 1-2 minutes (40-80 reps) and one you find challenging, especially for one hand swings. I demonstrated Roundabout swing ladders in a post last week, and in this workout the swing ladders increase to 5, progressively working up to a 2 minute long work set.
Even though I can train this workout with shorter rest periods, the 1 min rest intervals are designed on'll see why in the following two weeks....
First 5 sets done with the 16kg, all one minute rest periods.
2 sw rndbt (1.25/1)
3 sw rdbt (1.5/1)
4 sw rdbt (1.75/1)
5 sw rdbt (2/1)
300 sw 12.5 min
20 kg 1 sw rdbt (1/1)
16kg 1 sw rdbt (1/1)
20 kg 1 sw rdbt (1/1)
16kg 2 sw rdbt (1.25/1)
20 kg 1 sw rdbt (1/1)
16kg 3 sw rdbt (1.5/1)
20 kg 1 sw rdbt (1/1)
16kg 4 sw rdbt (1.75/1)
20 kg 1 sw rdbt (1/1)
16kg 5 sw rdbt (2/1)
20 kg 1 sw rdbt (1 min.)
36 min total
240 20kg sw
600 16kg sw
(Maribel, this workout is one you can train on your own with the 12kg and the 16kg, or maybe even the 14 and 16kg! should like this one! Especially if you throw the 24kg in the mix!)
Friday, December 2, 2011
HV One Hand swings and Snatch Holds..."Soup to Nuts"
I'm going to start this blog post with the end of my workout! The first part is kind of boring....and I'll get to that..... First though I want to wrote about my "snatch hold/pacing" workout Mark named "Soup to Nuts"
I've done similar training like this set a few times before, as demonstrated in the video, snatch hold and pacing, switching hands every 30 seconds. But in my first set I did something I had never done before, I "snatched and held" for an entire minute before switching hands.....totally different! Instead of starting out with 12 sn R, 12 sn L in 1 minutes time I did 24 R, 24 L in two minutes time. I'm trying not to be confusing here....
I still paced myself per 30 seconds, but I did not switch hands. To me a second hand is crucial to pace work. As I watched the clock the first two minutes pace was 12 sn reps per 30 sec (24 reps R and L), the second two minutes was 11 reps per 30 sec (22 reps R and L), the third two minutes 10 reps per 30 sec (20 reps R and L), etc...all the way down to 1 sn rep per 30 sec (2 sn reps R, and L). It took 24 minutes without putting the bell was good! One reason was I had no idea it was taking that long...24 minutes flew by. But I'm not saying the work was easy, it's just that the work required my concentration to keep track of the pacing in addition to the challenge of my strength and endurance (especially my left side).
In fact it was so good that I wanted to do a video demonstration in addition to writing about it. But to be honest the first set was just hard enough that I wasn't sure I could do a second, even half the time....but I decided to try! In this shorter set I take you through pacing and I also have plenty of time to talk alot! In fact I think it's worth watching in it's entirety, especially near the end as the snatches slow down and I can do more verbal coaching about the technique.
After showing Mark the video he named it "soup to nuts". This is what he said, "This workout combines everything, all of the variations of ballistic snatch or swing training. You've got high reps, you've got low reps. You've got fast reps, you've got slow reps. You've got static holds and dynamics, you've got high intensity and relatively low intensity. So it literally covers the whole spectrum of exercise dynamics in one's got everything, soup to nuts!" (thank you sweetie!)
Snatch hold ladder
24/24, 22/22, 20/20, 18/18, 16/16, 14/14, 12/12, 10/10, 8/8, 6/6, 4/4, 2/2....1/1? = 24 min!
12/12, 11/11, 10/10, 9/9, 8/8, 7/7, 6/6, 5/5, 4/4, 3/3, 2/2, 1/1 = 12 min. (video demo)
468 snatches
OK, so here's my boring high volume one hand swing workout....I used the 12kg for my warm up and then in my work sets I alternated the 12kg with the 14kg
Warm up
40 2 hd sw x 5, 200 sw (1 min/1 min x 5 = 10 min)
Work sets
10/10 x 20 (10 reps x 10 R, 10 reps x 10 L), 200 = 5 min/1 min rest
10/10 x 10 w/14kg (10 reps x 5 R, 10 reps x 5 L) 100 sw = 2.5 min/1 min rest
8/8 x 20, 160 sw = 4 min/1 min rest
8/8 x 10 w/14kg, 80 sw = 2 min/1 min rest
6/6 x 20, 120 sw = 3 min/1 min rest
6/6 x 10 w/14kg, 60 sw = 1.5 min/1 min rest
4/4 x 20, 80 sw = 2 min/1 min rest
4/4 x 10 w/14kg, 40 sw = 1 min/1 min rest
2/2 x 20, 40 sw = 1 min/3o sec
2/2 x 10 w/14kg, 20 sw = 30 sec/30 sec
2/2, 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10 swing ladder w/12kg 60 sw = 1.5 min/1 min rest
10/10, 8/8/, 6/6, 4/4, 2/2 swing ladder w/14kg 60 sw = 1.5 min/done. (video shows this set)
45.5 minutes
1220 swings (860 w/12kg, 360 14kg)
In total with my snatch workout I trained for about 1 hour 20 minutes.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The Obscenity of it All
The other day one of my clients asked me how much weight I typically gain throughout the Holidays. I thought about it for a sec and realized that I usually los
e weight during the Holiday season....I can't say for sure that it happens every year, but what I can say for sure is that I don't gain weight.

The first reason is that I enjoy my everyday foods/meals, and I wouldn't trade them for anything else. The second is that Mark and I
don't go to Holiday parties...heck, we're in bed, even on Saturday nights, by 8:00pm. And I'm lucky that I have boys....they could give a care about celebrations, and typically spend them with their "girls" and their families.
When I cook, I keep Holiday dinner menus to the bare minimum of dishes...only the good stuff! Turkey, stuffing, mashed potato, gravy, yams, green beans, or Prime Rib, Yorkshire pudding, glazed carrots, green salad....that's it. If someone want to bring a pie and whip cream, fine....or dinner rolls? They can knock themselves out! Although I have to admit that my youngest son always looks forward to his Sparkling Apple Cider...but he usually buys it because I forget these days....he also hides it in the back of the refrigerator for some, who's going to drink it besides him? (throwback response from when his older brother lived at home, lol)
So it's not like I go "on a diet" during the Holidays, instead, maybe I rebel a bit.
When I think about all the decadence (food decadence), that is almost expected of us it seems obscene to me. I find a lot of food obscenity all throughout the year, but during the Holidays people seem to take free license in the name of "fun", "happy", "party", etc. It's also a become a tradition to expect to gain a few pounds and then make a New Year's Resolution to take it off. Like Halloween has become a free license to dress like hooker, Thanksgiving and Christmas is a free license to eat like a pig....
I'm no angel....I eat sweets on a regular basis, nothing is off limits because I find it easier and easier to eat high sugar foods in moderation. In fact, maybe because I allow myself to eat what ever I want, that the foods I want are the ones that help make me feel my best most of the time.
I'm not worried in the least this Holiday season (any more than any other time of the year, lol). Who's in charge of you anyway? There is so much goodness this time of year...real goodness! Winter squashes, seasonal apples, hearty greens....tamales, bread pudding and fudge! Have a bit of everything! But don't buy into the obscenity of it all. Don't be one of "the blind leading the stupid".... See this time of year for what it is. A time to appreciate family and friends, with good food and wine, but not at the expensive of the most precious things you own....your body and your mind.
You are so much better a plate of cookies or a pound of fudge....(I'm reminding myself, lol)
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