Do you ever come back from a trip, or a visit with a friend or family member, full of inspiration and new ideas for change in your life? And then what happens.....? So much stuff this past weekend very well could inspire me to make some changes...but will I?
Let's start out with the reason Mark and I went to St Paul. The RKC Level 3 Bodyweight Cert taught by Pavel, Mark and Max Shank. Wowie zowie.....a serious success! This was a Cert I was never really interested in attending myself. I knew what was involved from talking with Mark as he was getting his material ready and organized over the past few months. Interesting stuff, but "stuff" I know I'm not good at, or that I was willing to train in order to be a good participant in time. I'd rather hang out with my best bud Fawn, and come and go as I pleased. And let's face it anytime I want to learn I live with the Master!
Sure handstand push ups, front levers, "L-sits" on rings, etc... are skills some may only dream of but bodyweight exercise is so much more dimensional than those advanced skills. Bodyweight exercises like push ups, pull ups, dips, headstand and handstand against a wall are surely attainable, at least to some degree for most people and if trained regularly what kind of physical changes would one see, and feel? I'm not talking about a gold medal performance but what about feeling more control and confidence with how you are able to move your body?
Speaking of handstands....Fawn took me to practice Iyengar yoga with her longtime teacher William. I had a great time and learned lots! William helped me get into my first two handstands (against the wall)...ironic that I was doing handstands as Mark was teaching them? Anyway....although I had been practicing Iyengar for a couple of months hoping to attend a class with Fawn during this months visit, and I was not having a good time of it. Now I see the practice in a different way and have pretty much decided to continue learning it.

Speaking of Fawn....where do I start? I should write a completely separate blogpost about Fawn! I did not have enough time with her, and it's my own fault. There was so much for me to do in such a short amount of time. I always come home with new recipe and food ideas and this trip was no exception. I'm actually glad it was Fall during this visit because the seasonal food options are less and visiting Fawn in the middle of an abundant Spring or Summer would have just left me even more overwhelmed! I did not get to hang out in the kitchen with her but one interesting salad she was making included lavender from her garden.....darn....where am I going to get some lavender? (I'm going to have to go out foraging in neighbors yards!)
I'm so full of thoughts it feels like so much to process. It's Monday morning and I'll be off to start my day, my week, a slightly different person than last week, even more appreciative and full of life's possibilities.
I miss you so much already! We can't let so much time pass between seeing each other! You inspire me more than you will ever know in ways I can't explain. I love your spirit, love that we connect.
awesome...can't wait to see what this new inspiration brings.
It's so great to have such special people in our lives who give us energy and love for life.
I consider myself a "loner" and love doing most things by myself (IE: kettlebells, running, biking)but I do have those special people who keep me inspired everyday!
Congrats on what sounds like a successful trip to the midwest!
I want to come back just to visit, train, cook and celebrate our friendship...sooner than later, whenever you'll have me!
no worries....you will be one of the beneficiaries of some of my new inspiration!
Hmmnn...I know what you mean about being "a loner". I may have at one time felt it described me best, and it's true that Mark and I would rather be with each other than with anyone else for sure. We may have a reputation for not being very social but that's because we like our home, and we like to be in it, with each other, as much as possible!
Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that I am not so much a loner as I am independent and I need friends that are also independent. Not that a friend couldn't count on me, but that my friends aren't needy and easily misinterpret my independence as uncaring about them. Yikes, who needs that?
So I am lucky to have friends that understand not to take things personally because I don't....they don't have time for that, like me. And friends that like to do the same things I do. Who could ask for anything more?
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