I always expect that I will be able to do any of the crazy ass kettlebell workouts that I come up with for myself...doesn't the phrase go, "whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can acheive"...well whoever said that has never done one of my workouts, and today I had to check my ego at the door!
I started out the morning with 600 swings in 25 min with my Intermediate class (only one brave person this morning!), and a few swing/snatch combinations to finish out the first 45 minutes. Then it was time for my own personal workout....if you ever wnat to know what I do for my own personal workout then here it is......
Starting out with 12kg snatches while the hands are fresh.....
I paced this workout "per 15 second intervals" The goal of the warm up was to get to 1 minute snatch sets with no hand switch at a Max Vo2 pace! Starting with:
8/8 x 1 (8 reps R, 15 sec rest, 8 snatch L, 15 sec rest)
16/16 (16 reps R, 30/30 sec work/rest, 16 snatch L, 30/30 work/ rest)
24/24 (24 snatch R, 45/30 sec work/rest, 24 snatch L, 45/30 work/rest)
set #1, 32/32 (32 snatch R, 1 min/30 sec work/rest, 32 snatch L, 1 min/30 work rest)
The plan was to repeat this last set, which was 1 min long, six times on both right and left hands....that was the plan....this is what actually happened....
sets # 2, 31/31 (8/8/8/7, reps per 15 sec)
sets #3, 30/30 (8/8/7/7, reps er 15 sec)
sets #4, 29/29 (8/7/7/7, reps per 15 sec)
sets #5, 27/27 (7/7/7/6, reps per 15 sec)
sets # 6, 26/26 (7/7/6/6, reps per 15 sec)
Good God! the last 3 sets on my right hand side hit the floor straight down after the last snatch...grip was gone and I had to really dig deep....but I did it! So much for 6 sets of 32/32! I knew during the second 1 minute snatch sets that I would have to give in and check my ego at the door!
So this was the first 30 minutes of my own workout, on to the next 15 minutes. Meg and I trained "I go, you go" style w/two 12kg's
1-5 short cycle dbl press
5-1 long cyle dbl press
1-5 short cycle dbl push press
5-1 long cycle dbl pu press
1-5 short cycle dbl jerk
5-1 long cycle dbl jerk
much to my delight this took about 15 minutes as I knew how I wanted to finish the workout....the same way I started the morning only much, much harder!
Tracyrif's 3 x 3 swing workout
I love my new workout! I call it "3 x 3". It consists of 3 sets of 10 reps and 3 sets of 40 reps, which equal 150 swing reps! Two rotations = 300 swing reps. You can scale it in three differnt ways. #1, rest periods, #2 bell weight, and #3 one hand or two had swings. I will post video of all levels, but here is the super advanced! All swings are 2 handed and with a heavier bell (Meg and I used the 16kg)
This workout is based on my "progressive rest period" workout I posted in August, after I came home from Hungary, in which the rest periods increase as the full rotation progresses. http://tracysfoodandthought.blogspot.com/2011/08/progressive-rest-ladder-my-new-favorite.html
10 2 hd swings x 3 (15/15)
40 2 hd swings, 1 min work, 15 sec rest
40 2 hd swings, 1 min work, 30 sec rest
40 2 hd swings 1 min work, 45 sec rest
10 2 hd swings x 3 (15/15)
40 2 hd swings, 1 min work, 15 sec rest
40 2 hd swings, 1 min work, 30 sec rest
40 2 hd swings 1 min work, 45 sec rest
150 swings, 6 min.
repeat with
10 2 hd swings x 3 (15/15)
40 2 hd swings, 1 min work, 15 sec rest
40 2 hd swings, 1 min work, 30 sec rest
40 2 hd swings 1 min work, 45 sec rest
total 300 swings, 12 min.
Each rotation has 150 swings....I love this workout! I will post the Beginner and Intermediate version tomorrow. (video is coming...)
So, there you go! You want to know what my own personal workouts are like....there it is. A solid 60 minutes of snatches, cleans/presses and swings. Life is good!
repeat with
10 2 hd swings x 3 (15/15)
40 2 hd swings, 1 min work, 15 sec rest
40 2 hd swings, 1 min work, 30 sec rest
40 2 hd swings 1 min work, 45 sec rest
total 300 swings, 12 min.
Each rotation has 150 swings....I love this workout! I will post the Beginner and Intermediate version tomorrow. (video is coming...)
So, there you go! You want to know what my own personal workouts are like....there it is. A solid 60 minutes of snatches, cleans/presses and swings. Life is good!
goodness woman! this was insane this morning. loved it!
now you know that I designed your class workout based on the one I did with meg...those 1 minute long snatch sets are killer.
You guys do way more swings....I didn't count your snatches...let's see....
154 snatches up to the first one minute long set (R & L), and then if you were able to keep the pace, another 224, totaling 378! I used the 20lber which is why I could do it (I already had done my earlier workout w/12kg)
You guys did 5 rotations of "3 x 3" = 750 swings! and finished off with a final 55 (1-10 ladder)
805 swings!
378 snatches (approx)
All of you guys in the 9:00 class are killing it these days! The next three people waiting for the beginners class were seriously impressed. And after their 30 minute lesson they couldn't believe you guys trained for a whole hour!
The Max Vo2 pace snatch workout must be simply crazy :)
I absolutely LOVE a hard, kick-ass kb workout! I did the pentathlon yesterday....have you ever given that a try? I did in the early morning outside in the cool, fall weather enjoying the blaze of autumn color....holy crap! I was done-yet super exhilarated from it that I went right to a little 4 mile run afterwards!
If you've not seen the kb pentathlon, I have the video (not of me doing it) posted on my blog, it was a great workout and I can't wait to do again.....
Why don't you just tell me what it is?
It was crazy hard...speed/pace, endurance and the strength of one arm at a time.
Do the progression that leads up to the full minute starting with 8 reps per 15 sec intervals (or 7 reps if that's your Max Vo2 pace), and then start over again woth 15/15, 30/30, 45/45, etc...
Another great workout - can't wait to try it out!
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