I have no idea how the next few months, weeks, even days, will play out but I'm in the midst of a crazy ass clean out, de clutter, purge, give-away and so many thoughts are running through my mind that I'm just going to have to post them as they come up....
The first thoughts are those of letting go. Like I said I can't go into all the details but "letting go" has so many meanings, too many, and I'm not into spending too much time psycho analyzing. I already know all of my life's bullshit that lead me to this place....sometimes it's a good thing for bullshit because the outcome is going to be grand! Just when I thought things couldn't get better!
The one subject I'm not going to compare this purge to is losing weight. I know the analogy of surrounding yourself with "stuff" is used to describe how we surround our bodies with fat, but I lost 120lbs while living with, and still collecting, tons more stuff than I currently own. To be perfectly honest I had the buying and collecting tendencies of hoarder, my living room once looking more like a storage shed than a home but that changed years ago.
Over the past 3 years I've emptied out a 16' x 10' storage space, donated 3 truck fulls of stuff to Goodwill, given boxes and boxes of clothing away, not to mention half of my kitchen tools and gadgets and now I'm in the home stretch....I can feel it, but more importantly I can see it!
As I enter this new and bright time in my life I started to search out blogs and articles about other people that had done what I want to do...get rid of stuff, but I din't find the results to be inspiring! That's when all of a sudden it hit me....I'm not interested in other people that focus on the "problem" by working on a solution, I'm interested in people that are living it. Like losing weight, de cluttering is something we all know how to do....throw the shit out! Get over it. Move on.
I then switched my attention to "minimalists'" People who are focused on the lifestyle of living minimally. I don't really care how they got there, just that they are there and what it's like! It's possible and I know it feels like freedom.
Until this new journey comes to a conclusion I hope to write about the experience, not as a way of giving advice or "tips" but to stay in touch with what's really becoming important to me in my life. I want so much to have my family grow around me, in an uncluttered and organized environment. I want to have friends over, (heck I want to have friends!) to share good food, wine and talk about life and training. I want to be able to travel teach and speak without wondering what kind of mess I'm coming home to. I can see it, I can feel it, it's happening right now.
PS I made an appointment on Friday to have my TV picked up by Salvation Army...who know what else I'll have them haul out of my life! I'm not planning on replacing it anytime soon...it's more of a dust magnet than anything else.