In Timothy Feriss's 4-Hour Body "Adding Muscle" is the title of the section where you will find my story. My 100lb plus weight loss is not in the losing fat section, my physical transformation is as much, if not more, about building and adding muscle. There is a misconception about what having muscle is, as well as building muscle.
Losing weight, or even "getting lean", or "leaner", does not mean you will be left with much muscle mass if you don't have much to start with. And you don't have much to start with if you are not doing anything to build muscle, much less "keep" muscle. Building muscle requires at least two things....training and eating! Keeping muscle and getting leaner, or losing only bodyfat requires that you first have muscle, and then it gets very, very scientific to learn how to train, what to eat and not eat while retaining as much muscle as you can. Getting "lean" is not about losing weight because the more weight you lose, especially if you do it quickly, the more than likely a good portion of it will be that hard earned muscle you have been training and eating up for!
But this post is not about the science of getting lean, it's about building muscle!
So time to promote my "Programming the Kettlebell Swing 2" and Intermediate level, Beginning level high volume "TracyStyle" workshop and classes this Sunday 5/6 at Full Force PT in Modesto CA. And I'll let you in on the little bonus now...of course Master Instructor Mark Reifkind (my sweetie!) will assist me in answering all questions about training and diet! How freakin' lucky are all of us going to be?
"Programming the Kettlebell Swing 2" is a 2 hour workshop designed for Instructors as well as kettlebell athletes interested in learning how to use this one foundational kettlebell movement, the swing, to teach clients and students (and themselves!) how to train for maximum effectiveness, and why you would want to! It is a "hands on bells" workshop that will take you through all of my swing progressions as well as short routines demonstrating how to use them. I will be teaching;
OTM training (on the minute).
Pace and cadence training
Hardstyle swings
Power Swings
Swing progressions.
Teaching the one hand swing and the differences and benefits.
"Work into rest method"
"Give and Take method"
"Roundabout" and brand new never publicized variations of the Roundabout!
"Kettlebell Split" a double KB method created my me that will finish off the workshop as well as all attending!
And who know what else! Seriously, you will not leave without having experienced all there is about the swing and you will be surprised at how much there is to know! Can we get it all into 2 hours? Maybe not, but we'll see who's left standing at the end!
And then....
I will happily lead two 30 minute swing classes designed for Intermediate level students and Beginning level students.
Intermediate level describes that you can swing at "equal work to equal rest" intervals. You are proficient at the one hand swing and have been training for at least 8 weeks. 600 swings minimum.
Beginning level describes that you are not yet to "equal work to equal rest", and that's perfectly fine! We all have to start somewhere, right?
Book signing to follow, and if anybody wants to listen to me talk, and talk, and talk about what a miracle this training has meant to my life and how it could do the same for you!
If you are within driving distance of this event you would be out of your mind to miss it! BUT, if you own a Studio or Gym that trains kettlebells and are interested in hosting your own Book signing/Workshop/Swing class event leave a comment, message me on facebook, or email me and I will gladly help you promote it! Let's get some swing parties started!
Pictures above: Top left, a recent picture taken from a video showing how much muscle I've built in the past 5 years compared to picture on top right taken of me at the same body weight of approx 135-140lbs. The top right picture was taken in Nov 2005, right at 100lb weight loss and 5 months before I earned my RKC. At the time I was delighted with the amount of "muscle tone" I was able to get from minimal swing training compared to the picture on bottom right taken in front of the Colosseum on a trip Rome, Italy in Feb., 2002 weighing over 250lbs.
For more information on registration contact Full Force Pt in Modesto Ca. You can find them here on facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001858123319
No matter what your weight is/was, you have the best set of eyes out there! I see a real desire for life in them. Even in your pics when you were heavy-you have a very warm, confident look! And now your pics show the fire and passion for the kb-I so know that feeling!
Such nice things to say! But let's face it, I was in ROME freakin' Italy in my before picture! How miserable could I have been? I was pretty happy on that trip!
Yeah, I guess being in Italy helps!
Do you think sometime in the future you will make a DVD for this workshop? Do you ever come to the east coast?
I hope to attend a workshop like that in the future. But first my HKC next week!!
After 6 years of kettlebell training and 2 years of concentrating on the swing and the snatch I also can show of a completely changed body. I wasn't overweight but I have always trained a lot of weights and did cardio along with that. Nothing ever had the effect that swings have on my body. And along with that it's more fun than anything else. I really never ever liked training weights in a gym.
What a great life you have right now! I am happy for you!
We will be video taping this weekend's workshop! Not sure if all or part of it will be for sale as much as it is for promotional use of future workshop and classes.
If you or someone you know has kettlebells in their gym/studio and would like to try and put something together let's put the word out!
So true! I think some people get a bit caught up in my fat to fit story more so than how much I've changed my body from fit to super fit!
Lance Armstrong trains the kettlebell ballistics and if it's beneficial for someone of his athletic caliber then what more could anyone want?
I train at home with my daughter using DVD's,etc. Have yours....:), but I will definitely reach out to some instructors I know and see what we can do. How many would you need to attend?
How about closer than the East coast even, Dallas maybe? There are alot of KB enthusiasts in N.TX.
I have to say bicycling home after a long day really is not that hard...thanks to your interval workouts!
I plan on riding my mountain bike to and from work on Mon/Wed/Fri then doing TS sw practices on Tue/Thurs/Sat along with weighted carries throughout the week (Ala Dan John).
I turn 45 in 6 weeks, and thanks to your inspiration, i believe, that I will be happy w/ my physique transformation. Thank you very much BossLady!
A few really interested and motivated people are worth so much more that skeptical, and unmotivated people! I am most interested in teaching and sharing, and the training!
There is quite a kettlebell community in TX, but I'm not sure how many "fans" I have? I've never been to TX, and if I have to take the country state by state the by God I'll do it!
Hi Tracy from your namesake, all the way from Australia!
I ordered your hard style swing DVD on a whim - and boy am I glad I did! In fact, I bought your swing progression DVD about a week later! Love your teaching methods and the creativity you apply to your routines.
I've experienced many "lightbulb moments" as I'm swinging away and something you said in one of the training DVDs just pops in my head, and all of a sudden makes sense!
Do you know if there is any way I can get your other DVDs here in Aus? The Roundabout and the Give and Take DVD seem to only be available through amazon and they won't ship the product to Aus.
ok! So, if i have enough KB's can we just do it almost anywhere? I'm sure I can get very interested people. I have 3 children and two of their spouses right off the bat! And me, of course. Let's see what we can do! I'm so excited....:D
Hi Tracy from Australia! Email me your information and I will pass it on to the distributor of my other DVD's. He will be able to get copies to you.
PS we were invited to Aus for an RKC next year 2013 (well, Mark was, lol! I ride shotgun!) Maybe we can make it!
Where on the east coast? Email me,
Of course I'd like to cover my cost, but all is negotiable!
Tracy, I am brand new to KB and just ran across your site tonight. Like you (before) I have almost 100 lbs to lose. I see your thread here with Debbie - were you able to get something together for the East Coast? If so, please let me know! If not, I would love to have you try again. Just let me know the terms, how many people you would need, etc. and I will do my best to make it happen for you here in Virginia. I will send you a quick email privately so you have my information. It would be an honor to have you here! -- Stacey
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