It's been brought to my attention that I haven't been posting much about dieting....I agree! Couple of reasons....
#1 Not much has changed in forever. Usually I have two or three favorite meals and I eat them everyday and I look forward to them everyday. All of the foods I make for myself I enjoy tremendously, no complaints, no wanting for anything different. And the fact that I take the responsibility for feeding myself makes me the happiest of all.
I eat 2 meals with a large amount of veg and protein, either a salad, and/or soup. I routinely pack my own lunch and foods to take with me if I'm going to be away from home.

Although I roast chickens and turkeys like a mad woman I've also been eating more complex carbs lately, in fact I've been eating more calories lately. If I could live on plain yogurt and Grape-Nuts (and a squeeze of lime), or multigrain rice and peanut butter I would! I rarely have both of those meals on the same day....but it's been known to happen.
I still start my days out with coffee and real, whole cream...usually 1 tbl per 10 oz cup.
If I buy it, I'll eat it, so most times I don't buy it...most times. Dang, I wish they sold little bitty boxes of Grape-Nuts! But truly, I can go weeks without buying them or eating them.
5 days out of seven I finish my last meal between 4:30pm and 6:00pm. I eat my first meal (s) between 11:00-1:00pm....which brings me to my next reason....
#2 My book will be released in 6 weeks and I write about my diet strategies and philosophy extensively. Not to mention that throughout the past 5 or 6 years of blog posts I've written about the same basic diet beliefs. For me I use a combination of calorie counting and nutritional science. I'm very familiar with how certain foods affect me, and that's why I still have half a dozen Japanese sweet potatoes sitting on my kitchen counter instead of in my stomach!
For me I know what kind of "trade-offs" I want to, and need to make. For instance, I'll choose multi grain rice over sweet potatoes, or I may not have one of my treats to save up a double treat for the next day or the weekend. But I get to eat plenty of the foods I love, and I'm happy with the amount of food I get to eat given my training schedule (around 1900-2200 calories a day to maintain my current bodyweight).
I get into a routine Sunday through Saturday afternoon, and then I get to "party". Last week my party was, yep, sweet potatoes AND yogurt with Grape-Nuts! Pretty crazy huh? OK, throw lots of chocolate fudge in the mix, and a shared bottle of good red that's a party!
But seriously, I never eat fast food, and only eat out when I'm practically forced. French fries and french bread are distant memories and I don't miss them at all.....but as I just admitted, I love Grape-Nuts, so I'm not trying to come across as some sort of "clean eating" snob. I also eat a piece or two of candy 3-5 days out of 7. I love sugar and I love salt, but just because I love these things doesn't mean I love how they make me feel. And because I know how I'll feel by overeating those and other foods
it's rare that I "binge" eat.
But at times I do find myself acting out the old habit of eating something's not against the law! I don't know why sometimes I react to an old trigger, but when I look back at this kind of behavior I know that it's not the reason for the reaction, but the habit the reaction creates that I want to change...make sense? I don't have to stay awake at night trying to figure it out....but I have been known to get up to figure out an idea for a swing routine.....
The last blog posts I wrote about "Eating In" were actually in direct answer to someone who messaged me on facebook. I still enjoy talking about diet, food and eating and I'm happy to give my opinions when asked. I want this kind of success for everybody! There's something to be said about the same 'ol, same 'ol. But I am still evolving, thank goodness! Like training, I go in and out of food and eating phases, and when I do, you'll be the first to know!