In my Tuesday morning class I usually lead everybody through 30-40 minutes of swings followed up with the last 10-15 minutes of snatches, or lately squats, but yesterday I surprised my class, and myself, by leading them through a workout of over 500 snatches (532 to be exact, not counting swings!). I still had to get my swings in though!
I took a short walk to think about how I was going to get them done. I needed to swing the 12kg for at least 20 minutes before my Max workout with Mark which I knew I would be swinging the 16kg for 10/10 x 50 instead of snatching....I've renamed tha workout to "Max swing O 2" lol. Anyway....I will post video this week about how to scale this routine for Intermediate and Advanced levels and talk about program design, but here is the Beginners version...enjoy!
NEW Classic "100"
I'll be repeating this one a few times as the week goes on. basically it's 4 sets of 10, 4 sets of 20, 4 sets of 30, 4 sets of 40 and then one set of 10,20,30,40 twice.
10 2 hd sw x 4 (15/15 x 4 = 2 min)
20 2 hd sw x 1
20 tr x 3 (30/30 x 4 = 4 min)
30 2 hd sw x 1
30 tr x 1
1/2 sw ld x 3 x 2 (45/45 x 4 = 6 min)
40 2 hd sw x 1
40 tr x 1
1/2 sw ld x 4 x 1 (40 reps)
5/5 x 4 x 1 (40 reps) (1.0/1.0 x 4 = 8 min.)
20 min = 400 swings
10 2 hd sw
20 tr
1/2 sw ld x 3 (30 reps)
5/5 x 4 (40 reps)
5 min = 100 sw
5/5 x 1 (10 reps)
1/2 sw ld x 2 (20 reps)
30 tr
40 2 hd sw
5 min = 100 sw
30 min = 600 swings
PS if you've forgotten what "1/2 sw ld" is then revisit this blogpost,
532 snatches - nice number!
This routine look nicely :)
Can You write routine your class??
Swings - ok, snatches (soon), but what with squats, presses, TGU, etc?
My shoulders were feeling it all day yesterday! It was awesome!
Loved this, did the first part (20 min) since that's what I had. I need to watch your programming dvd again for some more info on your shorter swing. I am wondering if I should go heavier (did it with the 16kg) as I get a lot of float at the top of my swing and one of the things I need to work on is making sure I don't utilize my shoulders for the swing. Heavier bell seems to tucker me out and make that easier to pinpoint once I start doing it :) Thanks again for all these wonderful resources!
I posted a killer snatch ans swing workout in May, around the 28th, check that one out, and get back to me!
The routines I use in class are always scaled to the students that show up and most workouts I post are indeed my classes routines.
My focus is on the swing and snatch, you are not likely to find much on the other kettlebell movements as it's too time consuming for me to explain. Besides, for my purposed, I believe in the ballistics first, the other stuff is icing on the cake.
I really had no plan of making you guys do over 500 snatches! It just worked out that way, lol!
There are so many ways to do this workout, I'll be posting a video on scaling it this morning.
Excuse me, but I'm new in your blog..
Actually, I haven't time to test it, because I have much work, but if I have time - I do it!
Is this it?
I try - soon..
Ballictic excersises is ok. If I haven't energy and I have inclination for training - I do your swing workout. If I have energy, than I do some pullups, pushups, MP, C&P etc..
I like presses, because I see my strength :)
Swings/snatches - I see my condition and endurance :)
I'm so glad you posted this. I couldn't remember how it went when we did it last week. I'll be doing it in a few...
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