Monday, January 28, 2013

Almost half way done.

Looking in the mirror, watching myself stretch after my yoga practice this morning I can't help but like what I see.  I see a nicely shaped athletic body and I'm feeling pretty proud of myself as I start to think about how lucky I am.

Looking in the mirror, the image I see is one that I thought was impossible, for me, at least.  But now it seems so natural, as if it was here all along.  I ask myself questions like, "where were you?"  You know, when you didn't look like this, and when you didn't feel like this.  Where were you?  Who were you?  Why now?  Why not then?  

I wasn't actually looking for the answers to those questions because I remember who I was and what I was doing and/or NOT doing.  That's all done, but is it?  There are still things I haven't finished, or repaired.  

It's time.  I can cross health and fitness off the list, and it's time to feel proud of every part of my life.  After all I'm just about half way done!


Unknown said...

You look inspiring!

Diana said...

I like the "half-way done" part...I came to the conclusion once I realized that turning 50 went rather well....I'm planning on reaching triple digits!
Going for the big 100! I hope to do a great snatch workout for my 100th birthday! Maybe you can work on a great routine for us?!!

Tracy Reifkind said...


Thank you. (and thank you for commenting!)

Tracy Reifkind said...


I fully intend to make it to 100! In fact I often wonder if I'm setting myself up to 'only' live until 100! lol

Maribel said...

Someone once told me that our 40's are the adult teen years. Insecurities, finding ourselves, knowing what we want...then 50 are our new found adult years and it's wonderful.

Tracy Reifkind said...


Well, you better enjoy the last of your teenage years! Don't do anything too stupid! lol

Oh, and wait until I tell you about my Girya Sport training this morning! Fun stuff!