Anyway, the point of this blogpost is that in 2006 I was completely anonymous and it now seems light years before. As we approach 2011, I'm not a young chick anymore, and I'm not exactly anonymus. Here I am on the inside cover of a best selling book, and the only female in the national video trailer for that same book. I have my first article published in Pavel's newsletter that goes out to, how many thousands of readers? A photo shoot with a national womens magazine, along with the release of my first DVD just a couple of months earlier....can it get any better? And all at the age of 47!
So at the end of 2010 I've been feeling like I'm at a crossroads....
I've been a bit fuzzy this past week (or 2, or 3!) with all the great and fabulous things that are coming my way, I've also had some crazy weird things happen, but today the fog started to lift. Surprisingly, or not surprisingly, as I started to read Tim's book, The 4 Hour Body, I'm beginning to remember how this all started and what this has all been about for me.
Originally because I had not yet read it, I couldn't really understand the connection I had with the stories in this book, except that I lost a bunch of weight and I used kettlebells as my main form of fitness. I now understand why The 4 Hour Body and I have such a close connection and I can't wait to share some of my thoughts and insights here on my blog in the next few weeks. But in the mean time, if you don't have a copy of this book, get one!
Picture above; Larger than life close up of me, taken the day I did the taping for the video trailer "The 4 Hour Body" Middle picture; The inside front cover of The 4 Hour body....notice how my pictures are above of Casey Viator, a legendary bodybuilder (if you don't why he a legend, read the book!) Below; Oh, and I had to post the video one more time!
Oh I so understand that sentiment, "Any woman transitioning from her early 40' to her late 40's knows what I'm talking about! "
I just turned 48 and, like you, spent my 20s and 30s obese and inactive. Then, it was sort of like 15 minutes of hotness, only to get old...hahahaha
Not really...I wouldn't trade any of it right now. I'm on the path I was meant to be on...so rock on! :-)
Blogged about this a while back-you may enjoy it!
The first picture is awesome....take a really close look at your eyes-they totally show a person's soul-I can easily see your "drive" shining brightly through them. I can see the content you are experiencing. However, if you're starting to feel those "hot times" coming-just wait, it's a roller coaster ride from hell from here on sister! I'm well into that frickin' ride-LOL!
Got the book! I totally HATE reading. I totally LOVE reading this one so far, just started! Can't wait to get to your section!
Isn't nice being an overnight success?
Congratulations. You've worked your way to the top.
Ahh...you get it! 15 min of hotness! I know I got way more than 15 min. and I've got tons more left, but getting, or should I say, looking, older before your ready to look older is somehow surprising! lol
Your comment brings up another subject that I've been thinking about lately, which is how women in this culture are way too consumed with being "sexy". That's not my concern,the only person that I care to find me sexy is Mark.
Young, sexy, strong, hot, hip, etc... we want it all, don't we?
I haven't felt that kind of "hot" yet! lol
The rollercoaster I'm on these days has to do with the transition of certain people in and out of my life, and the meaning of it all. (more to come)
I don't care to read either...it puts me right to sleep. Thank God for books on tape....I suggest you find a CD copy! I spend so much time in my car it pays off big when I listen to books.
I hope I'm an overnight success and not a "one hit wonder" lol!
Consistency pays off in may ways.
I'm so excited for you Tracy!
Tracy I love this picture of you! It is really beautiful. I'm transitioning right along with you and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I will put up with the mileage and take that over the insecurities and self esteem issues I struggled with in my 20's and even 30's. No Doubt!
You look beautiful Tracy...inside and out.
I am liking the book and look forward to hearing some of your comments on it. Awesome for you on the book and your new DVD!
I think the picture is a great shot, and I agree with Diana that you can see the drive and intensity in your eyes. That's the first thing I noticed!
Awesome shot...
Thanks La Saun,
as you know there's more really great stuff right around the corner. This next year is going to be fabulous!
I've never felt as if I've had self esteem issues... Although I can't figure out why I'm so hard on myself.
I'm deciding to quit that!
I've already told you that if all of my students were like you my life would be a dream...
I'm going to work on that! In fact it's on my list of blogposts I need to write.
Thank you for the comment.
I can tell you right now that everything that I'm reading so far Mark has already told me! The book is simply reminding me of alot of what I already know.
The most significant right now is to eat the same things every day. something that I thought I already did, but now I've been reminded that I've strayed away from the structure of that too much...more to come.
I remember when this picture was taken....my thoughts were those of victory! "Yep, here I am, and I'm doing it! I'm doing something really special."
This is a great photo of you!
You look not only fabulous, but victorious :)
And hey, you definitely don't look 47. You look younger and fresher than an average woman of 38-40.
BTW, as to this 40's stuff is concerned: should you have any thoughts, tips or tricks on this "aging with dignity" issue, please do not hesitate to post them.
I am afraid I cannot cope with "looking older before you're ready to look older"...
Would be happy to have your thoughts on this in more detail.
Hmmnn...I do have some thoughts about "looking older before your ready to look older"
What I think I'm going to do is to focus a bit more on looking my best as much as I can.
While teaching Saturday class this weekend one of my students said, "Are you wearing make-up?"
I said, "Yep! And ou'll be seeing me wear it more often!"
When you feel good, you look good.
I have the book and was so excited when I stumbled across you. I told my hubby "I read her blog!"
thank you for commenting!
Isn't it cool?
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