I've come to the conclusion that the 12kg is just too light for me. I can swing it for 2 hours of classes while giving instruction without getting into my target heartrate, and the 16kg just beats me up, even though alternating with the 2 weights works beautifully, for the base of my high volume swing training it was time for me to find an alternative......so I bought and inferior KB in a 30lb weight! (14kg) There is room for all kinds of KB interval training that includes speed, weight, reps, length of sets, etc, but I need to get into my target heartrate for effectiveness, so with Mark's suggestion of 2 minute work/ 30 sec rest sets this is the workout I came up with......
2 minute sets w/ 30 sec rest. Break down the 2 minute set into eight, 15 seconds sections, the first 15 seconds starts with 10 2 hand swings, alternating back and forth w/ 10 transfers. After the first set add on additional sections of transfers (alternating 10 2 hd sw) until the last uphill set and then it's all transfers.
10 2 hand swings, 10 trans, 10 2 hd, 10 tr, 10 2 hd, 10 tr, 10 2 hd, 10 tr
10 2 hand swings 20 trans, 10 2hd, 10 tr, 10 2 hd, 10 tr, 10 2 hd
10 2 hand sw, 30 trans, 10 2 hd, 10 tr, 10 2 hd, 10 tr (get the idea?)
10 2 hd, 40 tr, 10 2 hd, 10 tr, 10 2 hd
10 2 hd, 50 tr, 10 2 hd, 10 tr
10 2 hd, 60 tr, 10 2 hd
10 2 hd, 70 tr
80 tr
repeat backwards downhill
40 minutes total (not including warmup)
I think this new weight is just what I needed, by the time I got about halfway through I was sucking wind big time wishing my rest period was longer.....perfect! These types of work/rest sets will be my Monday KB workouts, Max on Weds., and Saturdays I do all sorts of stuff with my 4 back to back swing classes (the toughest part of the workout with my intermediate swing students).
Is it time for you to re-evaluate your workouts?
I have just upped my weight on my work sets. I began a few weeks ago using just the 18 lb kettlebell - now I use it for warm-ups and a 26 lb for "work" sets.
I tried a class to learn form (and got really hurt), then I tried a video. Now my workouts are based on some of your early workouts on your other blog and I use your videos to check my form. Having that resource available is what has gotten me to the point I am now!
I certainly have a long way to go, but I can really see (and feel) so much progress in my workouts from where I started just a few short weeks sgo!
I just got home from teaching my kb class... I have had so many requests for a 14kg kettlebell, funny you should be writing about it! Love your training ideas!
This month marks two years ago we met! Miss you Tracy!
Hi Tracy,
I love your combinations of workouts because they really transform the basic swing into a masterpiece.
I have to admit, I go back to your physical potential blog to get ideas and write them on notecards.
Thank you for having your information available to help ladies like me get more from our cannon ball with a handle!
things are going well with the healing, I plan to add the bells back into my workouts next week! Woot-woot!!! Can't wait.
I hope to be in touch soon afterwards to go over what needs to go over!
I can only wait for the day when a 12kg seems too lite.... ;-)
You know, I'm not sure I ever used the 18kg? It was so long ago I must have! But I've always been strong, afterall it take alot of muscle to carry around 250lbs of bodyweight for so long, lol!
I'm glad you can use my blogposts for training routine ideas....that's what it's there for!
I can't stand it that Mark is only scheduled to be in St. Paul once this year....the April Cert is probably my fav because I met you there!
I'm totally diggin' the 14kg and I was careful to buy the one with the roundest handle (for future snatching). Maybe now that so many women are training KB's they'll make one, and a 32 & 40 lber would be great too.
Thanks for the recognition because, to my knowledge, no one was training the KB swing like this before I made my workouts public....I've got to get that book started and done, lol! there is a method to my madness!
A new workout plan is so exciting and motivating! That's what this new weight is doing for me. I actually look forward to Monday's workout now (not that I didn't before, lol)
Tracy, what brand of 14 kg kettlebell did you buy? Will the handle be OK for snatching? I'm thinking about getting one myself. Thanks!
TGA (Turkish kettlebell girya academy)
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