Monday, July 14, 2008

Thank God Feelings Come and Go

That's all.


  1. Amen! If anyone can figure out how to move forward, it's YOU! (Love the new blog look.)

  2. Leslie,

    I was just having a "moment", lol In fact, right after I wrote the post before this one I was over it, but I had to get to my good is my life?

    You know, I don't take these things as seriously as it might appear.

    Oh, and I'm just having a little fun with changing up the colors on my my feelings and thoughts, I can change them when I want to!

  3. Hey Tracy!!! Love, Jen

  4. Nice Color Change Tracy! and right on...great thing about feelings and thoughts is that we can change them! You can also throw out the scale :)

  5. Jen,

    July 25th, be there or be square, lol!

  6. Regina,

    I tried throwing out the's not about the scale though....

    I just noticed your comment on seaweed, any ideas? Have you worked with it before?

  7. Hi Tracy

    about the seaweed, the kind I have used is from the asian grocery store, I chop it and throw it in the walk, I also add it to miso soup, I get a kit, from the asian store the miso and I throw it in.

    also the grocery store, makes a pickled type salad with it and its delicious!
