Thursday, March 6, 2014

10 x 10 "Give and Take"!

Ah...a bit of fun with our 10 swing reps Give and Take style!  "Give and Take" is my most popular DVD and a workout I use, or some variation of, all the time in my classes as well as my own workouts.  Give and Take was created to cater to large groups that had people of all levels of skill and conditioning.  It's a perfect workout for beginners still working their way up to "equal work to rest", but doesn't leave out the more advanced kettlebellers.  The one and only time Mark ever trained with me Tracystyle is in my very first dvd "Give and Take"! (  If you want to see him sweat like a pig then there's proof it's a hard, I mean fun, workout!

One of my Thursday morning training partners, Deepika, helped me out with today's 10 x 10 Give and Take.  She demonstrates the sets listed below in red that equal 10 reps total (OTM) for those of you that know you can do 10 reps every minute.  There are two sets within every minute that add up to ten, BUT you will be picking up and putting the bell down twice as much!  Every little bit makes a difference as you may soon find out!

If you are still working up to being able to complete 10 reps every minute, then you will ladder up your rep counts, with me, from 5-10, only completing the first of the two sets.


These last four sets are done every 30 seconds! Now you are up to equal work to rest!  Always take the rest you need, but here is a chance to push it just slightly, especially if you do the double sets w/Deepika!

Enjoy, and I'll see you next Thursday!

ps advanced Give and Take #2 co-swinging Jeff Sokol can be found here!

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