I've included the workout in my shorthand so you can take a look and then follow along, or just grab a bell and go for it! You may notice a few of my co-swingers choosing some different options of only doing the equal work to rest swing reps, or doing ALL two hand swings.
"The New 50"
warm up
10 2 hd sw x 1 (15/15)
20 tr x 1 (20 reps) (30/30)
5/5 x 3 x 1 (30 reps) (45/45)
10/10 x 2 x 1 (40 reps) (1 min/1 min)
90 swings, 4.5 min
10 2 hd sw x 1 (15/15)
20 tr (.5/.5)
20 tr + 10 2 hd sw (30 reps) (45/15)
5/5 x 3 (.75/.75)
5/5 x 3 + 10 2 hd sw (40 reps) (1 min/30)
5/5 x 3 + 10 tr (40 reps) (1.25 min/.25)
10/10 x 2 (1 min/ 1 min)
10/10 + 10 2 hd sw (40 or 50 reps) (1.25/.75)
10/10 + 10 tr (40 or 50 reps) (1 min/1 min or 1.25/.75)
10/10 + 5/5 (40 or 50 reps) (1 min/1 min or 1.25/.75)
10/10 + 5/5 + 10 tr + 10 2 hd sw (50 reps 1.25 work w/only 15 sec rest)
10 R (15/15)
10 L (15/15)
5/5 (15/15)
10 tr 10 (15/15)
2 hd sw (15/15)
400-460 swing reps, 19 min
490-550 swing reps total, 23.5 minutes
A super special thanks to (right to left, front row, middle and back row)
Maribel, Meg
Andrea, Melisa, James, Deepika
Marcy, Cheri
I have a companion workout already to post at the end of my birthday month! So practice up, the next one is just a itty bit more fun!
You're Swing party...I love it.