Friday, December 28, 2012

Is Christmas Over? A New Year Training theme is emerging! 2013...Awesome!

Maybe it's just me.  Christmas is over, done, gone...and I'm fine with it.  The day after Christmas I got in my car, turned on the Christmas music!  What?  It was barely 8 hours into the next day!  Well, if my local radio station has moved on then so should I!

I'm thinking about some of the changes I want to make as the New Year approaches as well as finishing some of the things I started last year.  I never officially wait for the 1st of Jan, although the approaching date does provide more motivation for a lot of us because we've been trained to think of 'that' day as the delineation dividing the past with a potentially new future.

But for now I'm thinking about my immediate future...tomorrow's training!  I've got something planned for the whole month of January, starting on the very first day, but tomorrow is the last Saturday training before 2013....2013!

I'm thinking sets of 20 snatches + 13 swings.  The thirteen swings would be done using my swing combinations in a progressive way, of course!  But how many sets should we do?  Let's work it out...starting with 20 snatches...

I don't want to snatch heavy, I did that Tuesday.  So my choices are 20 reps at a time, both R and L individually, and/or 10/10 (R and L).  The 20 snatches can be slow, done within a minute set, or they can be done "Max"!  I want to add the swings after the snatches so my two interval time choices are:

#1 1 min work, 20 snatch reps + 13 swings

The 20 snatch reps should take me 40 seconds at a fast pace, ("Max" pace).  If I add on 13 swing reps it should take me 1 full minute.  How much rest?  Another full minute?  Well, if I were snatching a heavier bell I would need that whole minute, but I think I'm going to snatch fast and light (the 12kg comp bell), so I think 30 seconds rest is plenty.  OR:

#2 1 min 20 sec/40 sec rest

This would be at a 10 rep per 30 sec pace + 13 swings.  A hand switch on the snatches is irrelevant, the only thing relevant is the 20 reps (1 min), and the 13 swings, approx 20 sec.

I like the first option...maybe....

OK, so how many sets?  If I work 1 minute intervals with 30 sec rest then 1.5 minutes per work/rest set, times, say, 20, that equals 30 minutes of training.  400 snatches, 260 swings....260 swings?  We gotta fix that!  What if....

20 sn + 13 2 hd sw x 10
20 sn + 10 tr + 3 2 hd sw x 20
20 sn + 5/5 + 3 2 hd sw x 10
20 sn + 10 R, alternate 10 L (10 sets total)
20 sn + 13 2 hd sw x 10

Got it.  Each "rotation" of 10 sets, 1 min work/30 sec rest should take 15 minutes to complete.  5 rotations = 1 hour 15 min.  A pretty good workout.  1000 snatch reps, 650 swings.  I'll figure out if I'm going to snatch 20 R and 20 L, or 10/10, or a combination of both....I'm thinking a combination....I'm wimping out already!

Okay, enough about training!  What else is on the agenda for the New Year?  I've got a few  thoughts.....  For a very long time, every year, my NY resolution was to stop using the "F" word.  some years I was successful for longer periods of time than others until I finally gave up and just accepted the fact that it wasn't so bad of a habit...or maybe I simply justified it that way.  I guess at the end of the day it's just not that important to me.  This year (today, tonight, tomorrow) I really would like to stop using the word "awesome".  I'm really tired of using this word and hearing this word.  In fact I'm at the point of cringing every time it slips out of my mouth!

Two thousand, thirteen!  20-13  Snatch and swing workout!  Tomorrow!  Awesome!...I mean, fucking awesome!


  1. Love it! I say both way more often than I should-though sometimes I replace it with "friggen" (that's my Jersey blood coming out) as though it is somehow better. I appreciate you struggle and acceptance of the whole friggen situation. Instead of awesome I did myself saying, "listen...I'm just sayin". I need to friggen stop that already...I'm just sayin
    Excited about the 20x13 workout!!!!!

  2. Sharon,

    Ahhh..I like "just sayin'" lol I'm not done with that one yet! I tend to act over dramatically, so that's the behavior I want to focus on changing. Automatically the F word and the A word will disappear as a result! (at least that's my theory!)

    I'm thinking I should email my two training partners to warn them that we've got 1000 snatch reps on the schedule in the morning! But they should read my blog if they don't already!
