Sunday, August 5, 2012

A little post....

One of the biggest compliments I love hearing is when someone asks me for the swing routine we did in class!  I will be posting it when I have time, but it was so much fun I'll be training it myself again soon!  Here is one of the photos taken after class, and a solid hour of swings!


  1. Can't see a picture - but looking forward to trying something new!

  2. Geez! I wish I could lay down on the job...:) from the pic, i'm guessing the practice required no small ammount of energy expenditure???

  3. You know it was good when you see all those sweat-soaked shirts. love it!

  4. Judy,

    Obviously I got it fixed! I' was working from my iPad this weekend and I'm still learning and getting comfortable with new technology! An old

  5. Guy,

    Although teaching one 1 hour class is no where near what I do on a regular Saturday, it takes alot more out of me when leading a new group through clear instructions. I didn't plan that pose! It came naturally!

  6. Maribel,

    Oh there were some sweat soaked shirts alright! We love to sweat!
