Friday, March 30, 2012

Saturday "Turnip Fest" postponed!

Out of my favorite seven days of the week Saturday tops the list!  Saturday is by far my longest and hardest training day, and what not to love about long and hard training? And afterwards the rewards of the, eating and relaxing (wine, lol).  Saturday is the day I take off from eating my regular weekday meals (which I love by the way), but the real treat is cooking, not eating!

It was my intention to have a turnip fest tomorrow!  I got so many great ideas on how to cook and prepare turnips that I was going to try a few, not one or two, but a few, ways of preparing them.  But I've got too much food already in my fridge!  And still more veggies that need attending to before I start to cook more.

It's fine, in fact it's more than fine!  I'll get creative and "clean" out and cook what needs attention and then I'll be set for the first part of next week.  I don't even need to roast a chicken!  What's up with that?  But when I do, it's pan roasted turnips and root veggies alongside!

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