Monday, May 16, 2011

550 24kg swings, 550 12kg swings, 1100 total

I was inspired by a recent email to swing the 24kg, something I probably don't do enough of, but I lead so many weekly workouts that although my cardio strength endurance is outstanding my absolute strength suffers. Good thing I don't care that much about absolute strength!

I've swung the 24kg for 1000 reps twice before. 10 reps x 100 sets, equal work/rest, 15/15 = 50 minutes. I can't remember the last time I did it, but I do know that both times I was in our garage gym. In recent workouts I've swung bells up to 40kg but as I mentioned nothing super heavy on a regular basis. I don't find a need for it, but it's fun to throw in the mix and it's good to see how my regular training leads to the ability to do stuff like this "on the fly".

Meg and I had so much fun I just might design the rest of the months Saturday workouts around the 24kg. Here's what we did this past Sat.,

All 24kg swings were done in sets of 10 2 hand swings 15/15.
All 12kg swings were transfers.
All rest periods are 15 seconds unless otherwise noted.

video will be posted as soon as it's ready from Youtube

10 x 1 set w/24kg 2 hd swings
10 transfers (15 sec)

15 sec rest

10 x 2 sets w/24kg
20 tr (30 sec)

30 sec rest

10 x 3 sets w/24 kg
30 tr (45 sec)

45 sec rest

10 x 4 sets w/24kg
40 tr (1 min)

1 min rest. From this point on all rest periods after the 12kg tranfer sets are 1 minute.

10 x 5 sets w/24kg
50 tr (1.25 min)

1 min rest

10 x 6 sets w/24kg
60 tr (1.5 min)

1 min rest

10 x 7 sets w/24kg
70 tr (1.75 min)

1 min rest

10 x 8 sets w/24kg
80 tr (2.0 min)

1 min rest

10 x 9 sets w/24kg
90 tr (2.25 min)

1 min rest

10 x 10 sets w/24 kg
100 tr (2.5 min)

Video shows this last rotation. I will build the next workout from this one. That doesn't always mean it will be more or harder w/24kg, stay tuned....


  1. I don't know why, but whenever I watch one of your video clips I just can't wait to get my hands on a bell and swing!

    I love how Meg says at the end "that was fun!" ahahaha...oddly enough I know exactly what she means.

  2. Hi Tracy,

    Any idea when the dvds will go on sale?


  3. Tracy...YOU ROCK!I am inspired by you and your work! LOVIN' the DVD! My classes are better for it, THANK YOU!!!

  4. Done! Rx'd! =)
    This was fun! Thx!!

  5. Maribel,

    It was fun....just like the snatch test is going to be fun in, oh, about 2 weeks!

  6. Tian,

    Believe it or not the DVD's are done and sitting here! Mark and I haven't decided yet how we are going to sell them. but probably I'll announce them for sale within a week and send them out myself....for the fisrt batch anyway.

    I believe I am going to price them around the same price as one of my classes...but you get so much more!

  7. Sheri,

    You are welcome! Fun huh? I hope to be taking my swing workshops on the road in the near future! The workshops are based on the "Programming" DVD and more advanced stuff I introduced at the workshop I had in Seattle.

  8. Nadine,

    No details? I should of had you time it. I think it's slightly longer than 40 minutes though.

  9. I did this last night, but it took me 52 minutes...I must have added extra rest somewhere. I used 12k for 2HD and 10k for 1HD. I just reserved a 14k and 16k from Nathan, so I'll try it again using the 14k for 2HD swings. 24K is out of my league....for now!

  10. LOL! I was running late this morning!
    I did kinda time it - it was 45-50 minutes. I actually was able to do this today since the high school started late today, and my 9th grader didn't have to go in till 11.

    great workout, lots of fun and the time flew by! I liked the 12kg routine, had fun doing the H2H swings. The 24kg started getting tough in the 10x9 sets - I kept reminding myself it was only 10 swings! mentally, that got me thru =)

    I liked it for my heavy swing day because it was heavy swings, lots of them, and I didn't have to count over 10!
    PS - still not a fan of 2H swings!!;)
