Saturday, October 16, 2010

This Feedback Deserves More Space!

Thanks to all that requested, watched, trained along with my video, and took their own time to provide comments and feedback. I thought I needed to turn this comment into a blogpost because this viewer brings up many of your common thoughts and I didn't want it to get lost in the "leave a comment" section.

George said...

Hi Tracy,
I watched the Flip video you made and as promised, here is my feedback.I watched the video with your comments in mind, i.e., you were looking for
“comments about things like, difficulty, and was the instruction easy to follow along with? I really want to expand sharing my KB Swing methods with motivated people for future projects, including classes, via DVD, and workshops in conjunction with HKC Certifications, Domestically and Internationally.”

My comments are from a 70-year old man who has been working with kettlebells for 2 years, but not in a class, although I did have a private session with an RKC to check my form and suggest new exercises. Here are my thoughts:

1. You give clear instruction to your class during the video. Your methodology, the “roundabout,” is complex which makes the instruction element even more important.

2. In order to help the instruction element, I think it might be helpful to have a flip chart or a white board to show the outline of the workout to the class. For those new in class, or those new to your methodology, it will give the class an overview of what to expect and how your roundabouts work. During the class, I think it's helpful to refer back to the visual to point out where you are in the program, what the class has accomplished, and what remains ahead of them.

3. I was inexperienced with your “roundabouts” and so found the roundabout format confusing. I think in a class setting the complexity of the roundabout makes it distracting to the individual and so the class will work beyond the point they would ordinarily stop. That's good for a class, but I'm not sure I, or other individuals, would be able to follow it on video without some practice. For me it's simpiler to just count the number of swings in a 10 minute period or do alternating series of work and rest for a period of time. I'm you think it's a “guy” thing to want it simple and straight forward? Do the men and women in your class view the complexity of roundabouts differently?

4. I think you should also have a timeclock showing on the screen during your DVD class. A visual timeclock will keep the video watcher in synch with the work/rest ratio the class is following. Your verbal instructions about where the class is on the clock is not as good as actually seeing it. One picture is worth a thousand words.

5. In this particular video there were several side conversations that could be overheard on the video, some comments were even made when you were talking. It's distracting and needs to be avoided.

6. Since the roundabout is complex, can you group roundabouts into beginnning, intermeditate, and advanced? If so, three DVDs right there. Grouping might also allow quicker learning.

7. Can you add other “swing-like” exercises to your roundabout? For example, adding a high pull or perhaps walking as you swing? More content, variety, and interest for your DVDs.Thank you for the opportunity to watch your program.


October 16, 2010 6:14 AM

Tracy Reifkind said...
George, Zowie! I think you took more time to comment than I took swinging in the video...thanks back.

You bring up some important points so I'll address them in the order you made them, but first let me my first point....

1.This is how I get my students that are already familiar with my methods to do about 600 swings in 30 minutes of time, and although in this video I do progressively lead into the "roundabout", this was not an "Instructional" DVD, but simply a way for others to see the possibilities in this one kettlebell movement...THE most important KB movement as far as I'm concerned.OK....

2.I do have a white board in the studio with a basic plan, and combination swings progressions, as well as rep count for all to refer back to. I didn't have the luxury of a camera man, or crew to include all of that. In future projects I will more than likely provide a hardcopy (or pdf) of the routine for reference. I did include one to accompany my current DVD, and have heard back from a few sources that it was greatly appreciated and very helpful (so I agree!)

3.I have also experienced the differences between men and women to be the same as like "sets and reps", which is why my swing classes have 90% women. My philosophy about that however is...and then what?

Women get bored with sets and reps (me!), and that's how and why I developed my methods in the first place. I may do a "roundabout" workout in my class, maybe 1x a month, the other swing workouts don't have as many "transitions", and most beginning level classes have the same work/rest ratio.

4.I had some critique about my current DVD with the same suggestion about an on screen timer....I agree. I'll definitely look into that for future projects.

5.About the side conversations....this was not a DVD, it was simply done on a whim, and I made the decision that it still had enough value to share with others.

6.Adding in other movements are part of my intermemdiate and advanced classes, especially adding in more movements to an already complex one, like the roundabout. I don't teach new students anything but the swing for 4-8 weeks. At that point if they have established consistent workouts, and really good technique, I teach more skills in this order...snatch, neg press/press, clean, squat, get up....I have a method to my madness although this may not make sense to some. Once a student learns the snatch, for example, you better believe I have "Snatch Roundabout" combinations that are tons of fun!

I have my own strong opinions about why I focus so much on the swing, it reflects my own personal story. I train others the way I train myself (many PT's do, btw!)

I don't believe walking, or lateral swings are for beginners, and the high pull seems to be more of a "man's" preference (so are 1 hand swings, whereas women like 2 hand swings)...but as I mentioned, I do include many other kb movements into my other classes.

I hope I haven't come across as defensive, I don't mean to be, I want to only explain the choices I made, or didn't make (lol). I asked for feedback, and I got it...again thank you for your time...truly! You've helped me reply to many others with the same thoughts, and I will take all of these thing into consideration to produce the best of products in the future!

October 16, 2010 12:58 PM




  1. Kudos to you for replying in a level-headed tone, intent on explanation and teaching. Very well worded reply.

  2. FG,

    I hope it came across that way to everyone else. I do afterall, want to produce future products of a high quality content, while also being user-friendly.

  3. As you know, I LOVE Roundabouts! Great job!! You're cueing is excellent! The rest times are right on point. I haven't tried ladders with the Roundabouts. I'm sure that's a real but kicker! Looking forward to more great stuff from you. Thanks so much!
