Wednesday, April 14, 2010

no title for this blogpost.....I'm feeling pretty crappy, drank a little too much last night and now I'm faced with back to back Bikram classes, starting in less than an hour.....this is gonna hurt (it already hurts, but it was worth it btw, lol)

If I don't train then I won't get back to yoga until Friday....I can think of all kinds of things I can get done if I'm not going to spend the next 5 hours away from home.

Not only will I not get back to yoga for another 2 days, but I won't get my 6 classes in this week.

I can only do one class....I can always suffer through one class....but I gotta do two, it comes with the OCD.

I can always sit out some poses.....not! (again, part of the OCD)

How bad can it be? I play, I pay.

You cannot give yourself the choice not to train, especially when there's no good reason (if you can stand up then you can train).

I've got my coffee packed, my water, I'm half dressed, I guess I'm going.....


  1. I was waffling about training this morning myself. Crampy, cranky, tired. Thanks for giving me some inspiration :)

  2. I'm upright, but I ain't training. In fact, I haven't trained for 5 days now........sometimes "not training" is just the right kind of training.

  3. Amber....

    Waffling? I rarely waffle, in fact I look forwards to every workout...Monday is my favorite day (it used to be Friday....hmmnn...)

    We're better than skipping workouts because "we don't feel like it"....that's what separates us....never forget that.

  4. Diana,

    We have to recognize when we are driving ourselves into the ground.

    Seriously, if our training gets to the point of "diminishing returns", then we must re-evaluate.

    As I emailed you earlier....nothing is "carved in stone" We have to work with "the body that shows up that day"!
