Sunday, February 7, 2010

Swing Fun @ Girya HKC

I had the best time yesterday at Girya's 2nd HKC in Palo Alto! We had a small group, but that was fine, as everyone came with great skills already, especially since some of them were self taught from DVD's....truly impressive!

I got the chance to lead 2 of 3 planned workouts...we simply ran out of time near the end of the day. (don't worry future Girya HKC's we'll get the 3rd workout in next time, lol!) One of the things I love about teaching my "pacing method" is that I get everyone to swing in's like a symphony of swings, I love it! Besides that I get to be "bossy"! (who me? lol) Anyway, maybe one of these days I'll get to lead my pacing workout at an RKC...wouldn't it be great to see 100 people swinging in unison?

More to come later, I've got to get to my rescheduled classes this morning in about an hour.....

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