Tuesday, February 16, 2010

RKC....Here I come....again!

I'm sure I've mentioned that I will be participating in the San Jose RKC this coming weekend, but I haven't really talked about it. Well...as it's fast approaching, today will be my last kettlebell workout until Friday, and then the three days of kettlebell madness begins with the 16kg snatch test! (Thank God we don't have to do the flexed arm hang, lol....that's another blogpost I hope to write about before this weekend btw).

I have a little video clip from my first Cert in April 06 that I'd like to share....looking back it's, well, it's interesting! Lots to reflect on....about my body, my level of fitness, my state of mind, and how teaching kettlebells, specifically the way I train the KB Swing, has become the focus of my life, when I thought it may just be something "fun" to do. Little did I know....

More to come........


  1. Have a great time and rock it sister!
    I can't wait till June.........

  2. Diana,

    Oh, you will be getting the play by play of what's going down.....

    I don't even know what to expect on the participating end of it!

    My main concerns are...having to do stuff I don't want to do, and when I don't want to do it.....I'm used to being the boss....I don't "hustle"....I'm too old to hustle, lol (I have a feeling I'll be hustling!)

    If all else fails, then my fall back is asking the question...."Do you know who I'm married to?"

  3. I better get a re-cap of the weekend!
    I do however think you're NOT to old to hustle.....just check out this link and maybe you can get that "person you're married to" to make this my grad workout!!!! LOL! This I could do while carrying my bitches either over head or on the tits!

  4. OMG this is the theme song of my RKC! Seriously.....I'm going to re-learn the steps and I'll be doing them...with kettlebells...and thinking of you, all weekend!

    When I was about 14 I used to teach my relatives all of the latest dance moves at family Holiday get-togethers....and I remember the "Hustle" was one of them!
