Sunday, December 6, 2009

If you want to follow along you can.....or just come to my class, lol!

12 kg 10 2 hd sw, 15 sec work/rest x 5 (50 sw)
12 kg 10 tr, 15 sec work/rest x 5 (50 sw)
12 kg 10 1 sw/1 tr, 30 sec work/rest x 5 (100 sw)
12kg 10 2 hd sw, 10 tr, 10 1 sw/tr, 1 min work/30 sec rest, x 5 (200 sw)

repeat w/16kg

16 kg 10 2 hd sw, 15 sec work/rest x 5 (50 sw)
16 kg 10 tr, 15 sec work/rest x 5 (50 sw)
16 kg 10 1 sw/1 tr, 30 sec work/rest x 5 (100 sw)
16 kg 10 2 hd sw, 10 tr, 10 1 sw/tr, 1 min work/30 sec rest, x 5 (200 sw)

repeat w 12kg, but increase each 15 sec interval by 2 reps, speed swings

12 kg 12 2 hd sw, 15 sec work/rest x 5 (60 sw)
12 kg 12 tr, 15 sec work/rest x 5 (60 sw)
12 kg 12 1 sw/1 tr, 30 sec work/rest x 5 (120 sw)
12kg 12 2 hd sw, 12 tr, 12 1 sw/tr, 1 min work/30 sec rest, x 5 (240 sw)

52.5 minutes 880 swings so far...... (17.5 minutes per block)

12kg 10 2 hd sw, 10 tr, 10 1 sw/tr, switch bells
16 kg 10 2 hd sw, 10 tr, 10 1 sw/tr, 2 min work, 1 min rest

12kg 10 2 hd sw, 10 tr, 10 1 sw/tr,
12kg 12 2 hd sw, 12 tr, 12 1 sw/tr, 2 min work, 1 min rest

16 kg 10 2 hd sw, 10 tr, 10 1 sw/tr, switch bells
12kg 10 2 hd sw, 10 tr, 10 1 sw/tr, 2 min work, 1 min rest

16 kg 10 2 hd sw, 10 tr, 10 1 sw/tr, switch bells
12kg 12 2 hd sw, 12 tr, 12 1 sw/tr, 2 min work, 1 min rest

12kg 12 2 hd sw, 12 tr, 12 1 sw/tr,
12kg 10 2 hd sw, 10 tr, 10 1 sw/tr, 2 min work, 1 min rest

12kg 12 2 hd sw, 12 tr, 12 1 sw/tr, switch bells
16 kg 10 2 hd sw, 10 tr, 10 1 sw/tr, 2 min work, 1 min rest

512 swings 18 minutes

100 more swings....10 sets of 10....your chioce 15 sec work/rest = 5 minutes.

1 hour 15.5 minutes
1492 swings

Each block of combination swings has 20 sets (4 x 5). Ten 15/15 work/rest sets, five 30/30 work/rest sets, and five 1 min. work/30 sec rest sets, for a total of 17.5 minutes per block).

The first block is done with the 12kg. The second block has a weight increase to the 16kg. The third block goes back down in KB weight, but the intensity is increased by speeding up the pace and increasing the reps by 2 per 15 seconds.

The last 1 minute sets on all three blocks were combined two at a time, alternating all possible pairs, progressively, starting with the "easiet" and ending with the "hardest" (heavy and speed!),to end the workout. And then.....we just finished it all off with 10 sets of 10 swings....any swing movement (1 hand, 2 hand, trans?) and kettlebell weight, individually chosen.

This is not the hardest, heaviest or longest workout we've done, but in my opinion it was designed and paced in a way to go the distance.

PS this swing combination is the combination I just posted in the last swing video a couple of days ago.


  1. who else can do this stuff honey? who else can keep up with you? cracy volume. you're like the marathon runer that's doing 200 miles a week easily while everyone else is struggling to get 100. well done.

  2. Well sweetie....Jesse and Meg did it with me today! lol! But I know what you mean, they probably wouldn't have done it on their own, for sure.

    And no one has the kind of OCD that I have to choreograph the KB swing I am so passionate about.

  3. yes hon

    but Meg and jessie were following your lead. not the same and no one else is leading from the front like you :))

  4. They are calling for a "blizzard" here on Wednesday......I'm thinking this will be a perfect way to spend my day off while it snows like a bitch outside!
    And about the OCD thing though....I don't know if I can live with the total of 1492. It's just "not" right, it should either be 1490 or 1500! Why do you do this to me????!!!!! I'll let you know how it goes!

  5. Diana,

    If I started out trying to fit a certain number of swings into a certain amount of time then, of course I'd be as crazy as you.....but, my goal is to progressivley make my workout just that much more difficult.....I add up the swings at the end.....the time I put in is more important.

    The exact number of swings is irrelevant.....go the distance, the workout tells you when to stop.

    I can't wait for you to decode this and let me know how it cheating....just kidding, lol!

  6. Whoops, I forgot to mention that I did a Bikram yoga class just prior to this workout.....

  7. Tracy, I just discovered your blog and I can't tell you how inspirational it has been. I'm sure you hear this all the time. I'm very new to Kettlebells and was concerned about learning all the different "moves" Someone on recommended that I Google your name because you had swung your way to fitness. I love the information on the swing routines and the veggie salads. Thanks so much for sharing.


  8. ajam00,

    veggie salads and swinging Russian kettlebells....there is no better combination! (except some of my swing combinations lol!)

    Welcome to my world, lol!

    I haven't been blogposting regularly for the last year or so, and as I force myself to learn to be more computer literate....I hear blogging is dead, lol.....I'm trying ot be a good "facebooker"!

    But until that time I'll do things the old fashioned way, keep some kind of connection via blogging, and hopefully finish writing my book...get my BFF out here to tape a DVD with me ,and more good stuff to come. Thanks for commenting, it's good to know I'm not, completely, wasting my time.
